Queue Discussion Thread

doesn’t answer the question?

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In IRL games how donkey wrangler is supposed to work is when the token is in the bag the players know its in the bag cause of its square nature. so it then becomes a choice whether they want to pick it or not.


I misunderstood your question.

it then also forms a stratergy that if you pass it to the next player. you then know some one pass you is a DW.

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that still doesn’t
answer the question

or if you dont feel a DW token. you know some one infront of you is a DW or its not in the game

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its like the only reason why i love that outsider.

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I’ll talk with Ash first.

how did this not come up in the design phase


i can give some suggestions if you need any.

but all of them will take some time

i feel like you have to individually ask each player “do you want to draw donkey wrangler”

alternatively replace it because it’s kind of broken on this script as I said :sob:

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it would be something like that yeah. during set up before you randomise roles. go to each player in player list order and ask. “You feel a square token, do you take it?” and if they say no continue to the next player, if they say yes give it to them then stop the square token message. again it will take a while but i think thats the only way to do it

but DW is funnnnnyyyyyyyy

it is hilarious but oh my god it breaks every single demon except tipi-tipi


Heretic and Donkey continuing to proc for the entire game cause legion:

i see no issue with Legion DW in the slightest i have no idea what you mean :P

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just execute the demon with your 4 votes

you got this good team


How do Minions win in a good-siding Fanzazz game?

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kill the Fanzazz