Queue Discussion Thread

Yeah they should have all the role cards have images of hot anime women

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Have you read the setup
Only the unshackled are interesting

Yeah lol

unfortunately, I like men

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U can have a tomgirl then

Probably because the 2 people who meet the requirements to host one donā€™t want to host it.

That still doesnā€™t mean the actually insane requirements for CoD are good lol

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It doesnā€™t but no one wants to host it anyways

Like. LFoL is superior first of all
Second of all no one is interested in signing up let alone hosting

Would you want to host CoD
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

See @ElizaThePsycho everyone wants to host one

Then replace it in the queue (Get rid of CoD are replace with LFoL). Standard FM is fun to be honest

Thatā€™s areteā€™s job, sorry



I could revisit CoD if people want?

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i mean is there any point in CoD anymore? Was it just to avoid copyright lolk

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the full rework was to get the game more manageable
old fol is a setup that ends up more or less being decided on day2 / night2

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the original requirement was designed to ensure that the host had experience with the unique interactions of Chair of Deception, but if anyone really wants to host a CoD and hasnā€™t co-hosted one before, Iā€™d be okay with saying that someone on the hosting team needs to have hosted or co-hosted a CoD/FoL game (with the possibility of having someone whoā€™s just there to answer your interactions questions and isnā€™t doing any action processing or anything)


if you need interaction questions answered ever and Iā€™m not in game just ask me I probably know

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is Face Your Fears high-intensity or low-intensity in your opinion? (/is it the BotF script known as Face Your Fears)