Queue Discussion Thread

the former.

your assumption is correct


is 2 rooms and a boom high or low intensity

Wait is ToL not available anymore?


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No idea

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I’d assume it’s in the middle but the game is also much shorter than most

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would you be free to open it for signups now or no? no worries either way

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I can’t open it immediately but I can tonight

cool, open when ready

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can i ask why eliza’s game was determined low effort while ash’s was determined high effort?
the 24 hour turnbased system isn’t much more complicated than godslayer’s, and the discussion phase is less complicated then the one in eliza’s

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It’s because I have no idea how much effort it requires

According to Besjbo it’s less than the average FM game

I cannot verify this

Ash’s was determined high effort because I played the first version of the setup and think it’s a better fit

I haven’t played 2 Rooms and a Boom so I asked Eliza and made my best guess based on what she said


this engagement actually gave me an idea

a lot of the time, especially when two miscs are running at once, you can figure out if something is high effort/costs a lot of time

but for people who are both newer to the site (and dont know that trick) and for games like ash’s (i thought it was low effort but it was high; i mightve not joined because im pretty sick) its hard to tell

in the future, could games be marked by the hosts as “low” or “high” effort before/during queue and the game


id also say two rooms is high effort tbh, its the same (in my mind) as running any other SD game on the forums like SH or avalon, and those games require about as much effort as a regular mafia game

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question mark