Queue Discussion Thread

Ok well i wasnt there so im not gonna act like i know anything about it besides what im being told, which seems a little one sided, but w/e

i dont like hydras and will not play with them except in games specifically designed around hydras and get frustrated when i have to. I wouldnt allow hydras in my game as a host unless i was running a game for hydras (or it was some weird role fuckery like marissa and marshal from fam 3)

I dont like them for a number of reasons, with them being harder to read than other players naturally, fucking with my perception of players and making it hard to actually read and make associations the way I like to, and also the fact they typically have more threadpull than other players because they have Twice The Player. Itā€™s very hard to push against a hydra and defend against a hydra for that reason

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a couple people have brought this up as a concern ā€“ Iā€™d tentatively support a norm of it being acceptable to say ā€œ/in, but /out if a hydra joinsā€ and the hosts then respecting that

(as long as you arenā€™t, like, a dick about it)

this one on the other hand I donā€™t think is really avoidable by anyone but you :sweat_smile:


As in, removing you from the list if a hydra joins

ya that ones def a skill issue on my part

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I am going to push back on things here and emphasise that, like, the way hydras in non-hydra games are generally being used on this site by everyone except me and Zug, i.e. specifically lilith is specifically as a disability accessibility tool - if you have a health condition where you are frequently struck from the sky for a couple days at unpredictable intervals, it is hard to sign up for mafia games alone because you risk having a flare-up and ending up lowpostig for a few days, which is no fun for anybody involved.

Hydras are a genuine accessibility tool here - if you pair up with somebody who also tends to have similar issues, then you can both actually play mafia when you couldnā€™t otherwise. I think itā€™s disconnected from the reality of the situation to talk about the hydras currently being utilised in non-hydra games on FoL as 1. taking up spots on slow-filling signups when these hydras are composed of people who wouldnā€™t be playing alone, and 2. being impossible to argue with and having too much threadpull when, like, Eve, lilith and pandoraā€™s hydra, has played 3 games, in which they lost as wolf in 2 and got misexecuted as town in the latter.

This is not a situation where an unfair advantage is being created! An unfair disadvantage is created by ā€œhaving certain chronic illnesses in a mafia gameā€ and the hydras in question are rectifying it. Theyā€™re not super high-activity slots, theyā€™re not impossible to read, theyā€™re not consistently able to out-argue everybody in the thread, they are just, for the most part, a normal damn player.

Obviously, there are exceptions here - itā€™s perfectly fine to not want to play with hydras, there are some messy angleshooting scenarios that can be unfun to play against, and the solution to that problem is to not play games with hydras in them,. Itā€™s perfectly fine to not want hydras in your game youā€™re hosting, the solution to that problem is to ban hydras on your own hosting level.

But I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to spread, like, false information about how hydras are being utilised on this site, I think itā€™s rude to somebody who couldnā€™t play mafia without them, and I think itā€™s rude to sign up for a mafia game with somebody you donā€™t want to play with and then insist on using game mechanics to push them out of the game solely because you donā€™t want to play with them. Donā€™t sign up. Itā€™d be rude to do that to an individual person, itā€™s rude to do that to somebody who canā€™t play without hydras.

(Obviously, @YBW I know you donā€™t play mafia much here anymore and maybe did not know this. This is why I have written a post clarifying it.)


(And to be clear this post is being made on a personal level and is not a mod statement.)


Basically itā€™s fine to complain about wrongboy or whatever and itā€™s fine to not want to play with hydras but please donā€™t pretend the majority of hydras on this site are two active players teaming up to dunk on everybody else.

Most of the time itā€™s lilith using them to play games that it wouldnā€™t otherwise and for this reason its hydras are no more active and have no more threadpull than normal players, that just comes across as harassment for an accessibility tool


I donā€™t really see how its rude to say ā€œi dont like hydras and dont wanna play with themā€. Iā€™m not like calling specific people out

I also never said nor thought that people are hydraing to gain an advantage, it just creates an unfun dyanmic I donā€™t wanna play against.

I wanna be clear, Iā€™m not saying we need to ban hydras or anything like that. Iā€™m saying I donā€™t like them and want to avoid them, and that goes for any hydra. I think it is cool hpw theyā€™re being used as an accessibility tool but its still something Iā€™d want to avoid personally.

I donā€™t really understand the point of your post unless there was a miscommunication on my part somewhere so Iā€™m just confused overall, since like I will just avoid hydras in my games and the ones I host, like I said, and you seme to agree with that course of action

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hydras in non hydra games r soooo frustrating lol


Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s rude, I specifically said that was not rude

i dont like hydras in nonhydra games but also in one of my most recent games i was the only hydra in a non-hydra game

so its ok when i do it


Iā€™m saying itā€™s rude to willingly join a game with a hydra and then tunnel them D1 for being a hydra

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every moral stance i have doesnt count when i do it bc im a perfect being and i had good reasons


I was talking mostly not to you, I was talking mostly in general. Thatā€™s why I made an addendum stating the majority of the post did not apply to you, YBW, specifically

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The addenum more made me think you were saying ā€œyou didnt know these things and are thinking of different thingsā€ rather than ā€œthis doesnt apply to youā€. I see what u mean tho

i will never forgive chomps for derailing my alt convo to one about hydras which is apparently more interesting based off all the yapping going on :triumph:


Queue discussion thread

more like hydra discussion thread


more alt = more good

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high five hippopablompoyeetus

god your name is a mouthfulwtf