Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Well, time to throw, then.
[checks the guide for things that’ll really annoy everyone]


I like you

Evidently everyone is just letting it happen which is super interesting

And I’m too steamed to think
yeah I think i’m fine now

not where i wanted you to go with it but its not a useless point so go nuts


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Throw this to the nearest incinerator and play by your rules, not theirs.


tell me what your thoughts were about the other shit
you know the thing I’ve asked you about

No fuck off

you talk like arctic but like
even more bullheaded
I want you to act in alignment indicative ways
or to get your process so I can attempt to make a read

I see the potential of
you being a villager

it’s just kinda hard to do anything with how you act because it’s just openwolfing behavior

This just shows that you read only partially, what you are agendaing this time.

  • Know your opponent. Don’t make the mistake of assuming too quickly that a player wouldn’t be capable of doing something as a wolf.
  • Look at the big picture. Don’t read too much into a person’s specific wolfy posts if they contradict their general in-thread appearance.
    * Make sure you can see a wolf motivation behind a player’s given action before wolf reading them for it.
  • Study the opening pages and EODs very carefully, that’s often where the wolves show their true face.
  • Don’t be afraid to mix things up and push some buttons. Wolves feel most uncomfortable in scenarios they don’t expect to be in.

and thread just dies
that’s not normal behavior

Morning. Bookmark. Mason. Discord. Disagreeing with an idea that actually has the same ideology as self. Misread acknowledged. Dum wolfread. Deepwolf showoff. Autocorrect. Self-aware curiosity. Go away…? Three player readslist. Voting Dum because of Jester claim. Sharing own experience of Dum. Triggered otter. Switched vote to me. Explaining vote (I missed this post; will react to it later). Triggered me (also, I misread “as” as “to”, so it’ll look as if I’m openclaiming wolf). Triggered Dum. Explaining the trigger to Dum. Threatening to kill me (New posts; Ooh~! Tonight’s gonna be fun! :heart:). Roleblock prediction. Townreading guava. Showoff for interacting with me, but electing self as dictator instead of just claiming it (lol). Readslist. Harshly correcting guava (wait, I could’ve sworn there were Killing roles in this setup. *skims roles* Huh… Odd. I clearly remember a Ritual-based Hunter-like role. Am I actually a stronger role than I thought?). Beefing up with Dum (about own reads). Explaining otterpopd’s existence to Dum. Pushing Zone is wolf agenda to Geyde. Scumreading Geyde for not complying (WHEEZE I’m OMGUSing because that’s the easiest action I know, but this guy’s logic is wackier than mine! :rofl:) Dunno what this post wants to say, but it feels like a self-defense mechanism. Joking with Dum about no Mafia (which unironically is technically correct since they’re called Heretics in this setup). Same schtick as ehat he did to me; pushing Geyde is wolf agenda in a sarcastic way. Explaining his reasons to scumread Geyde and me (you call this “Zone being active”? lol –HEY HANG ON WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!? Forcing reads unto others and doubting others reads!? BULLSHIT. I didn’t do the former, and the latter isn’t even wolfy!). Explaining reads to guava. Fine with Zone/Geyde. Voting Geyde. Explaining aggressivity. Re-explains situation to Dum. Approves lying and shows off own lie. Arguing with Geyde (this explains the thing in P#153, but… oi. What Geyde does is his thing. Don’t lump me together with whatever he is doing. I ain’t saying that “you and Dum are mafia for claiming Jester” when only the latter has done the deed either). Self-defense mechanism or out of words to give. Ah, here we go: Stating the -or at least one- cause why Geyde is scumread; disagreement of perceivement. Article. Harsh disagreement (at this point I wonder why you’re even still interacting with Geyde).


ok weird shit

fuck man i fucked up a call

how strongly do you townread brak

My conclusion is: Brakuren’s probably Town, but he’s tunneling in whatever he doesn’t like (which, ironically was my plan for this game) so -me being a hypocrite- I won’t let him live even if he is Town.

So anyhow, on to checking Bionic.

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how strongly do you townread me

funny coming from you