Ritual Mafia V - Dead Chat

Cause it was the same stule i wrote my preechs in littens game

Honestly, I nearly didn’t write a last will because I didn’t expect to die. I just shrug-wrote it the night before because I didn’t want people to think I was forged if I did.

I can see it.

I’m honestly going to love it when the shaman flips if town can stop being misled by obvwolf Brak. His play is textbook wolfplay.

I can see it.

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Good. At least someone else can see through Brak’s bs. He’s bordeine gamethrowing if town.

The medium counterclaim wasn’t the best manoeuvre from a town standpoint, it’s definitely a play I thought would make sense from an evil (who would then retract realising they can’t contend an actual medium anyway).

What do you think about Someone not claiming Grey Sister? I’m concerned that outs them because only evils can’t be turned.

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I think you’re right about that Magnus and how Brak is now defending Someone makes me think that Someone is probably Shaman. I mean, of Shaman dies, Brak won’t be able to keep people convinced that I’m evil.

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They’re literally giving the wolves a free convert tomorrow.

Hi guava

Yes. Hi Guava. Derps, Brak, and Someone are the likely wolfteam with Someone being the Shaman.

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That’s my guess anyway.

its ash/brak

oh my god that game was abysmal my blacklist is growing


like I was genuinely miserable for almost the whole game

Brak: says something purposefully misleading
me: is mislead by it
Brak: yep, obvscum, get him boys


like no I’m just stupid

thats my guess we dunno who mafia is

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and obviously my self vote didn’t help but after that I just wanted out of the game

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