Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

i think it would just be me and mag

Welcome to D1.

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What’s your point?

Brak said he won’t be here neither.

Also Geyde noping out for last 24 hours is peak

again in his defence

Very fair

I think sacrificed players are removed from the game since we get their flip.

This I can agree with honestly.

I’d remove Zone and Guava from that list. Maybe Hazard and O.Kaso too, but not as sure about them.

I’ll help. Zone is town.

Please switch your vote to a wolf candidate.

I’m surprised you didn’t know Zone.

Me too.

Yeah. I can’t see a wolf pointing that out.

He’s obvtown. He just isn’t capable of play like this as a wolf. His town and wolf games have very distinct feels to them.

You just did in this very post. Zone is chaotic as town.

I feel like all the current top wagons could very well be town based on the sluggish gamestate. It feels like wolves are feeling too comfortable with these wagons. We need to shake things up a bit to get things moving. Might I suggest sn Ash wagon?

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Yeah I’ll sheep Goateafia to get something going


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if thats you mean by Otterpod then yeah


Please plainly distinguish w!Zone’s behaviour from v!Zone’s behaviour with games to back up your reads, because this is a wolf candidate in my eyes and “he’s chaotic as town” doesn’t mean a whole lot when he’s especially chaotic as evil. I don’t really want to blindly kill into the pool of Ash, Dum, Guava, Otter, Hazard or O.kazo.

Hey for third time Frost can you tell me why you FoS me please @Frostwolf

(for the person who asked me why I @ Frost when I reply to them, this is why)

I think Frost is rand town FYI

Regretted not expressing something like this in that Assassination Classroom game, so, uh, here we go now:
This just screams scum in a way I cannot physically explain. I do not know whether it’s the “oh, I didn’t read the full context” or the “oh, you haven’t interacted with me at all” when I’m quite certain I have or just the general OMGUS tone to it, but this reminds me of Litten’s posting on me in that Assassination Classroom game in all the wrong ways.
It’s dismissive and condescending and serves to try and set me up as a miskill.
VOTE: Hippopablompoyeetus


i am guessing thats purely a call back to this then. cause i feel like you haven’t really ever talked about pandora before now.

I can get behind early town reads from single posts but not a tunnel off one bad post unless its like open wolf level bad

I want him to cook master recipe for me :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

It’s not OMGUS you literally OMGUS’d me first I can’t OMGUS and OMGUS.

And that is waffle, my FoS on you was my fifth post, since then I have made like 150 posts and you haven’t commented or made an effort with any of them and give no appearance of reeval because I sus’d you.

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4 way tie vote. wahoo… i am going to bed
@Magnus please dont stay up too long. you parented me yesterday. i am fathering you today

my brain is still stuck on you and bionic being a wolf but theirs too much for me to consider regarding wifom with that interaction I think id rather hope I get killed tn over figuring that out