Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

is this enough to warrent a vote?

what happened :(

I agree - I think kazo is wrong move today

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i think i am starting too fall in that boat as well

can you stop w/wing me with everyone in my poe pls :sob:

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The only other suspicions I had at the time were Hippo (voting them both posed a difficult argument for me to articulate and would reflect badly on me given that my reasoning was based on them voting for me) and Geyde (who I can’t read at all).

And you missed all of my other jokes in the process.


It was not even my first joke of the day…

Ash you said you were suspicous of me after my entrance where I FoS’d you for your “flimsy reasoning comment” despite me admitting it was a weak read on my part because I just read your ISO and not the context.

And since then you haven’t really commented on anything else I have done or made any effort to interact with me. So I find it hard to understand your continued suspicion.

O.kazo your jokes are so deadpan it is literally impossible to know if you are joking lol


i mean its not out of character for her either way XD

That’s a rough spot, buddy. You’re damned if your POE consists of villagers (pushing agenda), you’re damned if your POE is correct (bussing credit denied). At least everyone has the option to reveal as Minister until otherwise proven.

Why does anyone want to not vote Zone?

They’re tunnelling a pretty obvious villager imo and been pretty weaksauce all around. Can anyone give me a reason they are town. I also think they are much harder to sort out of poe later in game unlike some others.

The Fos one maybe needed a smiley to be obvious…

But i can tell about three on top of my head, which were obvious. (And these are the ones, I remember, so i prob have more.)

Good question tbh

mag isnt it like 1:30 for you

Aren’t you two in the same country?

Rather than “Zone is difficult to sort out later”, you should probably be more worried about “what Zone will do later”.

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different-ish time zone

This game state is horrendous we are basically always hanging a villager here because we are so split up and no one knows what is going on and like 7 people have 1 vote and most people are gonna be asleep