Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Ask if anyone has ever seen me hung as town - they won’t have :)

Anyway who do I cop


Can I get back to you on this in another thread after idk say 12:31

I’m polarised enough that from a meta framework I always flip town to an outside observer.

what does this mean

I think 2022. Might be 2021. I’ll go see if I can find it. I know town ended up winning too. Oh wait, it was that SCP FM game! I remember now!

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Atlas keeps calling me out on it.

Someone suspicious.

Fair I guess but also

A) You are clearly aware of this meta and able to use
B) Threadstate is a literal shitshow and I feel someone of your skill as town would try change something instead of watching dumpster fire

If we are saying who to cop, the Heretics can easily frame your target…

It’s a meta born from enjoyment rather than necessity. I’m always town so it feels less thrilling to tryhard at the beginning of every game if someone else can do it. As evil, it’s more fun and more productive to start pushing agenda and making a name for yourself than pleading a silly meta defence.

you fucked it up god damnit

yeah im sure the mafia really believed your cop claim till o.kazo said that

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they should be shaking in their boots fr

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…hm? Say Derps. Your role. Did you breadcrumb it?

Technically we can have up to 6 investigatives.
They have a reason to fear.

wait are you the fucking LW kazo

unless im blind LW is the only one who even has a framing kind of ability

Who should i vig

Shaman can body swap themselves, if they know your target.