Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win


We gather here to mourn the loss of King Brakuren, a sovereign whose fairness and righteousness illuminated the darkest corners of our kingdom. His reign was marked not by the extent of his power, but by the depth of his compassion. King Brakuren was more than a ruler; he was a guardian, treating his subjects with a kindness and respect unparalleled by any predecessor. Under his guidance, we knew peace, prosperity, and justice. He walked among us not as a monarch towering above, but as a benevolent presence, ensuring no one was left behind.

His untimely death, at the cruel hands of an assassin, has plunged our hearts into despair. Yet, in this hour of darkness, we are reminded of the light he brought into our lives. King Brakuren’s legacy is not one of sorrow, but a beacon of hope for a future where fairness and righteousness prevail. As we bid farewell to our beloved king, let us honor his memory by embodying the virtues he lived by. King Brakuren may have departed from this world, but his spirit and ideals will forever guide us forward. Rest in peace, our righteous and fair king. Your memory will forever be a treasure in the hearts of your people.

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It is true.

That’s what it sounds like

please tell me the real one has a

“btw i red checked X” line

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Eeyup. On positive side, I can imagine the mafia would have used their 1-use abilties on O.Kazo

…man. Regardless of how this game ends, it sure has a bad start for Town.

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Nah I ran out of characters so I had to remove my night actions

lol this is fake

it goes over the hard limit by over 100 chars


I do honestly love it though.

It’s 1,166 or smh I was hoping the hosts didn’t notice it went over

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tell me about it

gotta love spending hours making sure this would work just to

a)hit the grey sister claim

b)be stopped anyways

Laughs I actually halfbelieve that.


It took me exactly 5 seconds to check im psure they wouldn’t miss it

Well they didn’t say anything about the 2.7k character version

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i dont think they say anything about anything

Oh by the way, since D1 has passed, this section of my will is no longer relevant:

This was made before I went to sleep at EOD1, prior the CFD cluster****. There’s also a small message afterwards to certain people, but they are kinda not useful.

Dies laughing

May we have your reads Your Majesty?

Same as yesterday but Dum is now a serf

why did you blitz Eliza

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