Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Ritual [claimed] Vote Count

O.Kazo (7): Ash, Dum, Frostwolf103, Hazardwaste, O.kazo, Hippopablompoyeetus, Bionic

Not Voting (8): Brakuren, Someone, Leafia, Zone_Q11, SirDerpsAlot, guavagudetama, otterpopd, Garfooled

two more for minimum safe vote count

Still spreading false information, I see. You and @Brakuren sure love to do this.

'T matters not, I suppose. For Today, I shall die.

Rant: The amount of skill issues Frost and Brakuren have is astounding. Like, Brakuren is Brakuren, so I can understand if he fails to understand simple English, but Frostwolf… actually, y’know what? Never mind. Neither can understand simple English.

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Except in Frost’s case it makes more sense because I know he’s ESL.

And considering Brakuren had read Eliza as “just maf”, I guess reading is also his skill issue.

Ya’ll need to stop making acronyms up.


Where have I said X?
Where has Magnus said Y?
I have responded to Z, so why are they not responding to me?

What is the value of a post if nobody responds to it? What is the value of a post if nobody wants to understand it? Why should I waste energy participating in (1) a conversation unrelated to me; (2) a conversation where everyone has already made their own plans; (3) a conversation where my efforts -however little they may be- get trampled and ignored, lost and forgotten in the stream of time?

Just now realizing ESL is English Second Language and not, like, a mafia thing.


It is a waste.

What is humanity if not petals flying in the wind, desperate to command the uncontrollable?

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:innocent: Noooo would I do that?

We had this converation

Converation → Conversion???

I’m gonna be real, this is how ya’ll sound to me half the time.

Its a bit rude to say Frost cant understand simple language cuz its his second language


You know I am talking about conversation.

I know, I know, I know.

…and you’re telling me skill issue while you’re totally not making subtle poke on Someone?

@Zone_Q11 have you voted for o.kazo in the ritual?

Also, @O.kazo, make sure you don’t have your targets in your logs.