Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

That seems like a wasted endeavor.

I was rbd by Elementalist so can’t be that

Leafia is the shaman and is dead

If I was sorcerer otter would have seen me visit

Going to stand by my Brakuren townread.

I mean the part where the traitor is added in mafia chat.

Uh… Yeah, and…?
(Huh… I am starting to see… numbers.)

12 players. Hypothesis_1: 5 confirmed town. (v!Garfooled)
7 remaining players; Ash, Bionic, Brakuren, guava, otter, Someone, Zone. Hypothesis_2: 3 remaining Evil. (I.e., w!Leafia)

Huh… That’s a 50/50 for the 6 players besides myself. In fact, there’s confirmed to be at least 2 mafia in the pool of 7; 3 in the pool of 8 if we add Garfooled.

Ash Blood Mage
Bionic Conjurer
Brakuren Martyr
guava ???
otter Oracle
Someone ???

I already covered Brakuren/otter (i.e. regardless of what they are, I don’t plan to vote them), so the unconfirmed ones are… [Ash, Bionic, guava, Someone].

Bionic/Someone also kinda have a link since Bionic claims to have occupied Someone at N2.

Hm… What do we know of guava so far?

If Elementalist visits mafia they join their chat

So basically it’s like

Garf (Well see)

Half the player list is confirmed lol

Guava saw the red check and decided to just not show up smh

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Well. The paranoia is technically is Elem!otter occupied w!Brakuren at N1. But that feels like too much effort for me to think about.

Yeah otter is on the lower end of the suspicion pole atm


Contains 3 wolves

We just got to narrow it

Oh yeah. Guava was redchecked…? I forgot what the context was, but it isn’t written on Ash’s spreadsheet for some reason.

@Someone claim or you are outed

Huh… If that is the objective POE, then I already have the scumteam: [Bionic/Someone, Ash, Guava].

…something doesn’t sit right about Ash being Mafia, but I feel like Bionic/Someone can’t be W/W because of Bionic’s claim.

(Unless I am being naïve and w!Bionic lied about occupying w!Someone.)

If Someone is sorc the occ claim doesn’t matter

I am going to say this Brakuren, we get to learn more once we get to know what Guava’s role is, but we know thats not a traitor.

*checks Sorcerer*
Huh… I forgot it had occ/red-immunity.
So Someone is technically not off the hook…

–but wait. That just solidifies my POE. I am having a difficult time seeing Bionic and Ash as Mafia, but if I had to choose between the two, then I’d say Bionic is Town.

Which gives me an exact POE of [Someone, Ash, guava].

Context: I thought Someone was confirmed to not be the N2 killer since Bionic claimed to have roleblocked him.

Why would them not being the killer let them off the hook?