Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Cleanse and excorcise are one and the same, dont you think?

One is a mafia ability intended to fake the other.

is this fr or did u just lie to guava specifically btw

Ash, where would I imply that I am targeting Hazard instead? I am not too smart to figure out who the minister is.

It might fit, but it also fit perfectly with what I would expect from v!frost so please keep that in mind

dude you dont understand how cleanser works

its a global thing

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it disables everyone for the day

But its like Excorcise, whats not to understand?

I do not think it fits v!Frost at all, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

No specific target needs to be chosen you wouldnt need to “target the minisyer”

So that’s what Ash is going for, that’s actually a dumb take.

Because if you Exorcised Garfooled, Hazard’s ritual should be unaffected.
Hazard’s ritual should only fail if there is a Cleanse.

…what? If Cleanse is used then even my action won’t matter

Its like double-edged sword.

Well technically, only you are unaffected by the cleanse because of Hippo’s N2 action if Cleanse is used today.

@Ash Should I also mention that if I was gunning for Garfooled and there’s cleanse used today, I am mafia and used to bus Garfooled here?

Does that make any sense to you at all?

It would be borderline gamethrowing after losing Leafia for example.

Unless its the purpose that the traitor is ritualist instead?

Garfooled isn’t necessarily mafia.
w!Frost uses the Cleanse to Ritual a town member while gaining towncred.

Thats your theory, but my motives say otherwise