Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Not really.

This has a villagery feel to it. I like it.

This opener is a good start for Magnus. I’ll give him a slim townlean.

So you plan to do later?

Not sure what to think of this opener. Gut says villagery though.

We will.


True. So there’s that at least.

Agreed. I hope it does.

I’m better at wolfing than that Zone.

Ah alright. Feel free to tske your time. There’s no rush.

Same here. Hoo hoo.

As bad as a reason to townread me this is, it’s just classic t!Zone reasoning I feel.


This definitely feels villagery to me.

So you think there’s 4 wolves now? Well, 4 groupscum anyway. Technically,there are 4 wolves but only three of them know who their teammates are.

You’re literally wolfreading Geyde and O.Kaso and here you don’t think there’s ever a wolf between you three? I want to make sure you realize what you’re saying here.

Now you’re just being insulting and scumreading people just because they aren’t sheeping you and don’t agree with you. As well as insulting anyone that dares question you.

You are.

I’m not so sure about that.

Good to know that you actually scumread me. j/k Guessing you think that if I’m town you should scumread me then. j/k


Especially over the ones who you think are outed scum. I want to hear your reasoning.

You’re not a monarch Brak.

Why do I have a feeling both of these are villagers?

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Oh good callout
VOTE: Hippo

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You are? Huh… I guess I’ll check in on you every now and then.

They’re probably both town, but I want one of 'em dead regardless, so… I guess I’ll continue to stay on this wagon.

I feel like policy voting day 1 is the best time to policy vote because there’s less risk
anything after that you should have enough information to form a vote instead of policy anyway

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y’all need to put some respect on this man’s name I swear


What do you mean Quava.
I always respect names Quava

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it’s giving ParticleMan if he was self aware
like it’s giving ParticleMan with a brain

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take a shot every time I say “it’s giving” you will die

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okay but that’s like an intentional nickname :sob: :sob: y’all are just spelling O.kazo’s name wrong


and in different ways too you all spelled it differently

it’s like on survivor when someone has an uncommon name and all the votes for them are revealed and they all spelled it wrong :skull_and_crossbones:


It’s not insulting to state that I am the feudal lord of the thread

You are using AtE and your reads lack a lot of logic

VOTE: Leafia

That post is worse and worse the more I read it

Vote Count

Geyde (2): Bionic, Dum
Hippopablompoyeetus (2): Geyde, guavagudetama
Brakuren (1): Zone_Q11
O.kazo (1): Leafia
Dum (1): ElizaThePsycho
Leafia (1): Brakuren

Not Voting (9): Someone, Ash, Frostwolf103, SirDerpsAlot, Hippopablompoyeetus, otterpopd, Magnus, Hazardwaste, O.kazo

Yup and alright.

Fair enough.

This is true.

True, but it is insulting to call everyone peasents and such.

Dies laughing This is exactly the same reasoning you used to change your townread on me last game. I haen’t even used AtE once and you know it and anyway, getting annoyed by someone that seems to think they’ve been crowned king and is being insulting isn’t ai.

Also, it’s your posts hat completely lack logic not mine. Mine are filled with logic.

You are literally being worse than Crescent was being last game. Now get off your high horse and stop thinking you’re the lord and master of all that you survey, because you’re not. I don’t think.you’re groupscum, but I think you at least have a decent chance of being the traitor.

VOTE: Brak

Either way, you’re wolfsiding beyond belief right now and I want a stop to that.

How is it wolf siding to prevent power wolfs lol

How do you know they’re not villagers?