Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Look, I’m just stating things like I see them. Find a real reason to scumread me if you want to scumread me but I don’t think you’ll be able to.

I only have reads on 6 people

“I’m not being toxic”

(^ this one might be a joke)

[quote=“Brakuren, post:96, topic:7136, full:true”]


Yes, and everyone that has disagreed with you besides Guava you wolfread. You’ve also been antagonizing people almost nonstop.

  1. this isnt even including the posts that are questionable
  2. we are less than 12 hours into day 1
  3. I dived through brakuren’s entire iso for this
    they’re probably scum

VOTE: Brakuren

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also oop the quote broke

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Thanks Eliza. All that is extremely toxic Brak. Even worse than Crescent was in fact.

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most of those are still SOMEWHAT questionable
but its pretty obvious when u compile them all together

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5 out of 145 posts crazy

I mean yeah you post a lot of shit

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You’re still being toxic
I don’t think you’re being AS toxic as Leafia said but you’re still being toxic


There’s even more than that and even only that is 5 more than you should have. I think you owe people an apology for your toxicity.

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This is the only one I would consider toxic, and it’s only phrased this way because it’s a genuinely terrible thought

“Who invited you to this conversation” is a pretty classic toxic phrase imo

Im not even talking to him like


There is far more tactful ways to say “im not talking to you”

That’s a lie. If you dived into my entire ISO you would know why im doing this :)

Benefit of having information checks in your posts is you can call BS on people having read what you said

it was a very quick skim
and also I was specifically looking for toxic things because there’s no way you say “I’m not being toxic” and have it be true