Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

fucked up if true

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Sorry about this one, team.

omg those minigames were so fun

TO be fair in the BOTC i think my logic was “uh may is. probably good! off of pure chance. yeah i’ll claim to him it’ll be fun :joy_cat:

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Can I add Sorc17er to the pocket scoreboards

Its not your fault for tunneling.

Instant hardclaim to a TR isn’t like, the worst strategy, it’s just high-variance

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Overreacting may have cast bad light

If there is you can veto it

idk if it was a pocket thtbhtbhtbthbthbthtbhtbhtbthbth
i definitely read you wrong but I don’t think it was your actions toward me that caused it
(with the same reasoning maybe remove both of the times i pocketed you)

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my slot is cursed in conversion games

may is unironically kind of cracked at mafia but fol has some kind of distortion curse placed on it that made him a failboy for his first like 6 months


There is a cat in my profile background help

Solve my riddle

I don’t think there is but

I checked, there isin’t :D

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Yeah these are not real pockets. It’s fake pockets so we can have more stuff on the scoreboard

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Ok good