Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

im getting voted tommorow

I’d expect kazo to be digging in heels at this point

I find it wrong on principle

I find it funny in princinple

Also I wanted to try and gauge if hippo was actually unware or just faking unware

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I haven’t read thread apart from last 40 posts and the vibes i got was it was vote vote

but wasn’t 100% sure

Pull it when I’m not in thread or smth then


Mafia should want to sac me because I am actually good late game when I go tryhard
Town should want to sac me because I am a town role

gg ez

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you’re boring

Ok based take, I’ll talk it over with the others in wolf chat

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I’ve only read the first 3 sentences of leafias first post but I think they’re town because they said two conflicting thoughts which I don’t think they are capable of as mafia

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A good thought
Like really good

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You’re mom

checks out, im overweight

Eliza might be mafia, read their first 10 posts and they seem worse than usual. I know is a meme to vote eliza d1 but ah well

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In all seriousness, I don’t know leafia enough to know if their logic actually makes sense, so can you or someone else verify it

ill skimread first posts of one other reasonable easy to read player and then yeet out back to work

It’s like
Leafia tends to be all agenda as a wolf and does so in ways that compromise shit that actually happened to fit a narrow worldview

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Yeah doing shit’s tough

im waiting for hippos final skim read before I do anything else