Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win


It’s a fair point: We actually don’t know traitor is LW, we just sorta assumed they didn’t

ok i fucked this sentence

We don’t actually know if traitor is known to wolfs, we just assumed they weren’t

Me when two mafia intentionally try to spew themselves town in front of me smh

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Questioning my alignment is unnecessary because “low-activity Magnus” behaviour has only been demonstrated twice on FoL, those being the Jutting Watchtower and whichever Strategem game I was a PR in, both of which I was town. Shuffling along early on awkwardly is outside my wolf range.

Oh yeah you are right, it only says traitor doesnt know heretics tbf

jutting watchtower was all a whole can of worms tho

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I don’t believe in volume tells for most people

Volume is mostly correlated to out of control IRL circustances

True, but it’ll probably convince someone at least.

This is slightly hypocritical coming from me who used to have a huge volume tell, but thats because i have no life and im known to be in the thread basically 12+ hours a day


ngl without being bait, if the heretics already know traitors i feel like my lostwolf lamb meme should actually townclear me because i clearly didn’t know traitor wasn’t a normal lostwolf

How else would they attack the Traitor? (Or the need the protection from their nightkill.)

I think op would say if wolves knew who LW was, it’s very heavily implied is a lone wolf so not specifically putting their known to mafia in op just wouldn’t happen

I kinda agree it points in your favor which is why I liked magnuses post in the first place

I kinda wish you didint say anything tho cus me likign magnus was conditional on them finishing this train of tought

and now its wifom

Damn this is hard, feeling totally lost rn :sweat:

These two lines actually hint that the heretics dont know the traitor tbh


Yeah that makes most sense

Given the presence of redirective abilities, as implied by the feedback log, it could have theoretically been seen as a measure about violence, but that’s a good shout for arguing against. Be that as it may, the passive isn’t entirely clear up front either way.