Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

I vaguely remember something like this, so i kinda agree with you

ill make sure later by checking a previous game

I mean Iā€™m litterally just gonna Vig you if you donā€™t get lynched today

so we should keep both of you alive because Zoneā€™s gonna die anyway

Iā€™m gonna get rbā€™d but whatever

ok Iā€™m just wasting your time lol

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+town for not understanding the game

So now that I have vanquished the evil Zone_Q11 I elect myself dictator of the thread

okay thank god :sob: :sob:

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then why the hell did you claim it :skull_and_crossbones:

VOTE: Brakuren

itā€™s giving ā€œIā€™m not actually vig and now I need to give an excuse as to why Zone wonā€™t be dead tomorrow if we both liveā€

Guava Bionic Dum Otter = V

Null = Frost

Light Mafia = Geyde
Outed Mafia = Zone_Q11

@otterpopd So what do you think of Dum, Zone and Brakurenā€™s interactions?

There isnā€™t a Vigi in the rolelost dumbass

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LOL I didnā€™t read it

Votes are interesting
Yeah frost can be village

I know what my role does and thatā€™s IT

what is this readlist

who the hell is otter

You got a problem with my Town reads pal?

oh its the sheep