Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

at what point are people gonna realize that I’m litterally the reason for their reads

No you’re not.

I was the first person to call out the person you are voting

So? That doesn’t mean you’re the only reason for the reads people have.

It’s very clear a large part of this game is sheeping me, it’s not a secret

You seem to think you’re far more important than you actually are. I’ll admit you’re a little more than half the reason the thread is in this state though.

For me: After Brakuren is dead.
For everyone else: IDK.

Through sheer tyranny of will, I have become ubiquitous

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Not even sure what that word means.

Amazing post

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5minute break run lets go

brak being a hypocrite

in fairness hippo is better late game. its his whole thing. but i dont like and still hate someone wanting to be sac’d before the sac phase even started. still dislike the joke traitor soft.

i need to know what changed here otter. it wasnt that long of a period.

Town doesn’t talk like this!

Brak being a hypocrite again

you stand by your dont meta people before at least day 2 so strongly last game and when i brought it up earlier today you still felt like you were still trying to follow it.
why have you changed their mind so quickly. and why is your response to me calling it out “You calling it out is not townie”

your* england is hrad to tpye

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Because it doesn’t accomplish anything by calling it out.

Not to mention, the problem with applying meta isn’t here, as I am not giving scum or Town specific meta so people can’t adjust.

This just reeks of you trying to find something to discredit me without even understand my point to begin with.

i could argue this with the points you made last game but it would be a waste of game time and would end up with a NAI on you anyway.

apologies for calling you a hypocrite oh glorious leader sir. i shall have myself punish forth with


Then why bring it up?

FPOV of T!Hazard there is no point to make that comment

why bring what up? me responding to you answering my question or me calling you a hypocrite

The latter