Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

cause if it was me calling you a hypocrite that was a joke that you took seriously which ended up with me taking it seriously

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Is this confusing? Your what has now made me confused are we on different pages?

Definitely possible.


haven’t read but I can see from the top that Hippo has a bajillion posts now


I don’t understand your train of thought.

I make a joke
Brakuran calls is untownie
I am confused and so drill him on it
He states a reply
I decide not to follow cause it is probably NAI due to his personality

Going to call it a night now everyone so good night and good luck dealing with Brak Hazard. He drains your wim fast. I know from experance. :sleepingleafeon:

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See you in 10 minutes

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Ok you can have a funny point for that

”I am descrediting someone’s read”

“Town doesn’t do this”

“I was joking”

zone iso incoming soon :tm:

thanks for the heads up

Yes mwhahaha i discredit brak’s read on magnus for no reason and then and then… i will have no after plan for it… BRILLIANT! i am a genius

No i said a joke cause you had been getting on my nerves with your belt around your chest attitude and then you took it seriously. you asked for my thought process and there you have it.

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It’s never going to come

it may. trust the process

well i voted and rhen i thought about the vote when i played splatoon and then i changed it because i chNged my mind

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i was gonna flame you about “it was only 8 minutes” then i remembered splatoon games are really not that long

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I have to go to bed
so I’ll post what i have and finish it tommorow