[RP Interest Check] Trials of Madness


no keep it

At the end of the world, I will be there. Watching. And your lucky #%[#&%$# will still be winning at dumb slots


i absolutely will

added to op
npc info
more colors

vote on the poll nerds

he has no clue

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@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 39

no cap

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@Atlas no info?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

you all do realize eliza rolled and i gave the info

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More info?

should i give more punishments aswell then

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i got a nat 2
sure give everyone else punishments

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how about this
less than 35 i’ll give you an ability point
36-60 nothing happens
more than 61 i take away one
more than 90 i take two



@discobot roll 8d100

:game_die: 42, 72, 88, 52, 17, 47, 55, 98