[RP Interest Check] Trials of Madness

@discobot roll 8d100

:game_die: 85, 25, 51, 69, 61, 70, 53, 15

Gambler’s fallacy. Keep rolling till it works.

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I’m at -4.
@discobot roll 5d100

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:game_die: 30, 24, 57, 52, 80

@discobot roll 5d100

:game_die: 86, 99, 30, 82, 9

@discobot roll 5d100

:game_die: 6, 83, 79, 57, 14

@discobot roll 5d100

:game_die: 64, 91, 16, 63, 9

@discobot roll5d100

@discobot roll 5d100

:game_die: 21, 56, 45, 82, 80

(I’m obviously doing this for the fun of it, not because I care about extra points.)

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magnus says this, after seeing the results


I got five extra points for free. It doesn’t impact me.

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@discobot roll 5d100

:game_die: 94, 16, 30, 61, 37

@discobot roll 1d100