[RP Interest Check] Trials of Madness

cool i got a point


you guys are really bad at gambling you know that

“Bad at gambling.”
I’ll challenge you to a game of Hold’Em.

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my nat 2

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you don’t roll two dice in the middle of a poker game get two sixes and declare you won



lets gamble using your severe point debt

you could
you’d just be wrong

For real? Alright, how does one play Hold’Em online?

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and i take all your money

there’s probably several apps for it
or we could just gamble here
hey trochi you wanna deal

the house always wins

Set up a DM for it, so this thread isn’t crowded.

Or it could be done over Discord.

hold on i’m reading the tos for this site


why does chloe get my ip address and what does she need with it


prevent alts
or maybe help you

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no i think its a bit creepy that someone i know knows my exact location at all times
but eh

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Use a VPN if you’re concerned.

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