[RP Interest Check] Trials of Madness

:game_die: 26

the sunk cost fallacy










My character’s basically a gambler at this point.
That’s not true.

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 49


magnus have you tried getting a mod to edit the discobot

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Atlas made a mistake.
@discobot roll 6d35

:game_die: 29, 10, 25, 33, 23, 15

Specify the dice type next time.
Broke even, and now I’m leaving the casino.

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if we’re going by that logic
you’re over 80 points deep

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btw it has to be out of 100 starting now


Can we call d100s rats?
To commemorate the spinning rat.

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i’ll be nice to you and round it to -50
hows that

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Put it on my bill. I’ll pay you back at the end of the game.

Plus interest, of course. Just to entice debt.

magnus that isnt how gambling works

I left my wallet at home.

that isnt how gambling works either