[RP Interest Check] Trials of Madness

@discobot roll 1d10

:game_die: 1

@discobot roll 1d12

:game_die: 5

magnus is a wizard


@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 2

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 82

magnus are you trying to get terminated


I was going to say “why are they all low?”

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I was experimenting.

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June recommends a restaurant to Mark; Mark dines there and discovers (a) unimpressive food and mediocre service or (b) delicious food and impeccable service. Then Mark leaves the following message on June’s answering machine: “June, I just finished dinner at the restaurant you recommended, and I must say, it was marvelous, just marvelous.” Keysar (1994) presented a group of subjects with scenario (a), and 59% thought that Mark’s message was sarcastic and that Jane would perceive the sarcasm .1 Among other subjects, told scenario (b), only 3% thought that Jane would perceive Mark’s message as sarcastic. Keysar and Barr (2002) seem to indicate that an actual voice message was played back to the subjects.2 Keysar (1998) showed that if subjects were told that the restaurant was horrible but that Mark wanted to conceal his response , they believed June would not perceive sarcasm in the (same) message:3

you good man

I’m an unrelated third party.

i meant mentally

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Compared to what?

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revengance update:
my first mistake was thinking i stood a chance

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he just one shots me
no matter what