[RP Interest Check] Trials of Madness

My Misc Game is simpler than this btw(mainly because of the amount of players.

Making an excel sheet to automate everything for me is fun though, stimulates my brain to actually fire neuron links for the first time in years.

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i hate stats so much

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it requires more than five neurons in my monkey brain to be active at a time


im changing this
main thread will generally be closed

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more colors

He’s back.


may god save us all

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oh no

Can we play Hold’Em with Balloony?

Apparently you don’t yell at me :joy_cat:

I can give you dumb room name suggestions

Like just name the rooms “Room with a ______ Thingy”
where the blank can be filled with any word with -y added to the end of it, preferably a word that shouldn’t actually have -y on the end of it

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those who yell at you don’t get out alive
that’s why we wouldn’t know

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maj for this is 14p
and i’m assuming it aint gonna change too much
but we’ll see

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high intel can literally save your life depending on the weaponary and the situation

but eh
you should definitely max all your points into str
im sure nothing bad could happen

I heard that most people in FotD did not put many points into their intelligence stat lol


I did, but then I accidentally nerfed it by drinking the potion lol

STR: 10
INT: 1

Usable Skills: Slap

“Whaddya mean I cant open the door and can only slap the door”