[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

(They’re referring to me!!!)

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its turn based amd based on a combo of skillz andbilitued snd msyhd

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…I can’t imagine it well. There are too many variations of that description. I’d like to request an example of a battle when you wake up.

Hm… something isn’t right here.
We should get a stat point for each level, but the second quote says we only get an ability point and an ability creation point, “and nothing else”.

you’ll figure it out really fast.

it isn’t
ability was mewnt to say stat thr firstctimd

Okay… Do you need to create an ability with an ability creation point, or can you upgrade pre-existing abilities as well?

The issue is not that I will figure it out fast.
The issue is that I want to know how it works, so I can incorporate it into my abilities.

sorry im just too cold to fo kuch
…im gonnacsay create

(Not sure what to say about the cold part. Go rest in bed?)
If it’s creation, then is it going to be a fixed-rate ability or will the ability’s rate be dependent on the player’s overall performance (i.e. decisions, roleplay, etc.)?

bestie you good?

I think he’s got a cold.

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the abilities rate cant be perfectly inline euth others cause im not perfect
but modt other things dont effect it, esp pregame
combat is the default turn/atmosphere base of other games

like yakuza if i played yakuza like a dragon and knew what it was about

I don’t understand what this means. This is neither fixed nor performance-based.

So basically each turn all players get to move only one, right?
(I played Digimon Dawn/Dusk, and my definition of what a turn means got screwed up because of that game. Usually I have no problems understanding what a turn means since it’s written on the OP, but this time it isn’t specifically written, so I got confused.)

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its loosely fixed

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each turn a player can attack, move, use a skill, etc.
usually, they’ll only get to use one
then, its the next turn. this turn, another player gets to. they didnt go first, because they have lower reaction time then the first player

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i was wondering why i could barely think for the past few days
that kinda explains it


Hm… alright. I think I got an ability in mind.
Now I only need to come up with another one…

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Oh Reaction Speed determines initiative? What if the player ambushes an enemy?

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