[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

“Man, I feel sick and low-energy. Wonder if I’m sick.”



cant think half the time
dont bully me


you go first

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ok actually fair and valid and mood earlier teasing retracted


youre fine

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Finally done with character creation… Boy do I feel like my character will die very quickly, but I’ll commit to the bit and hope for the best! :muscle:

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Sixty. Start with eight. Add four. Twelve.
A fifth. Forty-eight.
Level eight. Forty-one.
Multiply by three. One hundred twenty-three.

Killing one is a sin.
Killing hundreds makes one a hero.


I got my first draft done as well, and ngl im prob gonna be the first to die lmao


Oh yeah… You got a different mission than the mercs, right? Like, the complete opposite? Nah dude, you’ll be fine. There’s no way you’ll die first. You gotta become the BBEG!

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Actually. If you think about it, Someone is actually supposed to be the big good guy rather than the BBEG.

…well. “You either die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain.”

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No its not the complete opposite lmao

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But it is a pain, so im gonna be doing a ton of “fun” things as well lmao

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Hm… What qualifies as an encounter?

For example, if we have to infiltrate the three-storey building where each storey are completely isolated by an elevator, and the mission is to kill everyone inside the building, would an encounter be…

  • each time we fight at least one enemy, until all enemies are dead and no reinforcements arrive
  • each time we enter a storey
  • the entire mission


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The first one


someone’s correct
it also resets per each break area, even if you didnt eliminate all enemies


Boy am I going to have a good time.
–that is, assuming I can survive the prologue.


I mean Silviu is my superior rn, so I do technically follow his orders.

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But yea im effectively 2nd in command with my rank

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of note, you cant just run in and out of a hostile building, you have to… wait a bit, by host discretion, evidently


So… when is the starting date?

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