[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

Going full dodge isnt really viable for any of us either so its an issue

That… shouldn’t be the case, right?
I simply don’t have–

Wait. So my HP is not X/X, but outright X?

tbh in the VLDRs i’ve played when i tried to go for dodge builds it always ended up that

a) i kept rolling below a 5 every roll
b) the dodge system was bullshit and broken and didn’t work
c) the people i were up against had mechanics that dodging didn’t work on
d) all of the above


Mine is X/X, what is on your card?

Mine says X/X, and I do only have R4 and R5 abilities, but I don’t know whether my HP is correct or not… (Because Atlas is human and could have made an error.)

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yea the problem with dodge builds here is if you go dodge, you both do shitty damage and cant aim for shit so its very :skull:

The commander buffs must be insane

Speaking of dodge mechanics, I wonder how this game’s dodge mechanic works. There is “accuracy” and “dodge chance”. Does this mean that if accuracy succeeds, the attacker would still have to roll again to check whether the opponent dodged or not?

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I think its first you roll accuracy to see if you could hit, then dodge to see if enemy evades it?

So basically what I said.

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I think the defender rolls to evade tho idk

My point was: “are we going to roll the dice (or RNG machine) twice, assuming the first one (accuracy) is a success?”

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y’all can ask me questions


acc attacker - dodge defender


Wait im confused, does my accuracy just need to be higher then the enemy dodge to hit?

lets say you have 90% acc and i have 40% dodge

someone rolls to punch atlas

@discobot roll 1d100

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:game_die: 16

that connected, you will successfully hit me if i dont roll a 40 or below

@discobot roll 1d40