[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

:game_die: 13

atlas dodges

wait you rolled a d40?

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… whoops

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 11

okay now i dodge


…? That sounds incorrect. To me, that looks more as if only 1 dice will be rolled.

Okay, lemme ask this way.
Attacker acc = 90%
Defender dodge = 50%

How I originally think this works: Roll 1st die to check if attack hits. (E.g., use d10. 2 or higher hits.) Then, if 1st die succeeds, roll 2nd die to check if defender dodges. (E.g., use a coin. Head succeeds = dodge. Tails fails = attack hits.)

How I think you want this to work: Roll 1 die. (E.g., use d10. 5 or higher hits.) If defender’s dodge is above attacker’s accuracy, then the defender always dodges successfully.

…is this correct?

this isnt correct
i meant - as in a dash, not a minus sign, because of my infinite intelligenxe


Okay, good to know.

This means that all defenders’ actual dodge chance is:

  • [100% - “Attacker Accuracy”] (i.e., if attacker misses the attack)
  • +
  • [“Attacker Accuracy” × “Defender Dodge”] (i.e. if the defender dodges the attack)

Conversely, the true odds of accuracy is:
[“Attacker Accuracy” × (100% - “Defender Dodge”)]

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Man. I can’t wait until this shows up.



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you can heal your basic healthbar, mercs cant heal their absolute

magick restores on its own, health/magic doesnt, absolute cannot restore

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Oh ok, so he doesnt have the 2nd healthbar, not the first

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Does that mean he cant get debuffed due to taking damage?

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he has a “2nd healthbar” as in max health: he doesnt have the absolute damage clause that comes from being a merc from it


no he’ll just die

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