[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

Please take care of yourself, health comes before game.
If you have to delay the game start for health/IRL reasons, that’s 100% valid and I’m sure no one will mind.


You better be! (consoling)

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@Atlas, you good now?

provided everyone is finished by that deadline mhm


theres at least two people who aren’t done with their abilities though

It’s been 5 days already…
Perhaps we should contact them in discord?

everyone who needs to has seen it

yeah I might just join as a cadet later in the game

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(<-- has no ideas)

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If Eliza is one of the two, then the other one is a Merc, right? Should I take their place over?

  1. at least two
  2. that wasnt a hard deadline
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So… How are we going to handle this matter?

Are we going to extend the deadline and pray they will get more active in the future?

Or are we going to turn them into Cadets and let them join in the future?

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. . .
Oh wait. I think I misinterpreted these pair of words. You probably didn’t mean “difficult deadline”, but rather “fixed deadline”.

*reads your plans*
Alright, I guess we’ll extend it to a week and a half, so… next week Friday is the final deadline?

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thats 6-7 days compared to 3-5
it’ll maybe be done sooner but if my math is wrong (it already is) that would be. in three days and 12 hours?

That would be… at this time?


I’m done with all but a proper reference image. I did some art last night but it turned more into an Insane Doodle Page, and I’d want a colored ref for [???], anyways.


No character ideas or no ability ideas?


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I bet I could come up with abilities if I actually read the examples