[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

@Someone, @Zone_Q11, @Keldi, and @Squirrel2412 have won.


i wanna know what someone’s wincon was!!!


…I was in Hell, looking at Heaven… and I began to HATE. - AM, I HAVE NO MOUTH AND I MUST SCREAM Radio play.


complete two of my trials and live

they did it with ease



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…processing ends i guess


processing can see his family again
only for a bit tho


duty will call for him again…

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rolecard incoming

(with permission)

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atlas notes:


i havent eaten since i woke up give me a second


Name: Lucille “Lucky” Wynn
Pronouns: she/her
Height: 5’ 6" (168 cm)
Weight: 125 lb (56.7 kg)
Blood Type: B+
Date of Birth: October 13, 2001
Clothing: Dark formal coat worn over a light gray dress shirt. Loose black dress pants over dark brown shoes.
Accessories: Reading glasses (tucked in shirt pocket), yellow notepad with red pen.
Eye Description: Brown
Hair Description: Dark brown hair, tied nearly in a bun. Two strands of hair frame her face.
Other Noteworthy Information:

Miscellaneous Character Descriptions:

Backstory (Optional):
Lucky grew up in Bookerton, a modestly sized town whose main attractions were the gambling houses that brought in tourists. Most of the town’s jobs revolved around the casinos, but even from a young age Lucky knew she was destined for something greater. To rise above her past, to become more than just another scammer. She wanted to work at… an insurance company.

Still a scammer, yes, but a higher breed of scammer. No addiction, no parlor tricks with lighting and atmosphere, just cold, hard entrapment. Burying restrictions and clauses within mountains of text and fluff, then unearthing them at just the right time.

She could be an agent. Hiding the conditions with vague, uncommitted promises that weren’t legally binding, wielding misdirection like a magician’s cloak. She could be an auditor, looking for breaches of contract, unmet conditions, anything that nullified the company’s obligation to pay out the insurance.

Lucky came home from college feeling like she was on top of the world.

And then it all came crashing down.

Home was not like she’d left it. So many of the non-casino jobs had disappeared. She spent over a month looking for work in insurance, to no avail.

And then, when it finally seemed like she’d caught her lucky break, the world revealed the twist. An insurance scam on the cosmic level.

— Two years ago —

Something about this feels… off, Lucky thought as she walked in for her interview with the insurance company. It wasn’t the attire of the employees she passed by in the halls. Improvised weapons were a necessity these days, with all the gang violence.

It wasn’t her conversation with the recruiter, either. That made the most sense, actually - an insurance agent offering vague promises without committing to anything? That was basically par for the course.

She frowned as she knocked on the door. Lucky was used to being good at reading people, at finding the things they were hiding. Not being able to trace her discomfort at the situation bothered her.

“Come in,” a bored voice called from inside the room. She stepped inside, seeing a balding man with a pencil thin mustache sitting at a desk strewn with papers and folders. He gestured to the chair. “Sit.”

“Hello,” Lucky said, extending her hand as she sat down. “I’m Lucille Wynn, but you can call me Lucky. I’m here for the interview?”

“Yes, yes,” the man said, limply shaking her hand. More of a wobble, really. “I read your application. You’re hired.”

Lucky blinked. “Sorry, I must have misheard you. Did you say I’m hired?”

The man yawned. “Yep. There’s a couple forms for you to sign.” He rustled around his desk until he found two slightly crumpled pieces of paper and a pen. “Just sign these and you can start Monday.”

“Thank you so much, sir! I really appreciate it!” She was begin to babble a little bit - it happened when she got too excited but she didn’t care. This was fantastic! Sure, she’d wasted the past two weeks of her life preparing for interview questions, working on her handshake, reviewing practice audits… but she had a job! She wouldn’t be eating canned vat meat for the rest of her life!

Lucky handed back the papers after scribbling her signature. “Thanks again! This means a lot to me, and I really look forward to working here.”

“Yeah, yeah.” The man took her papers, tossing them into a folder. “No problem.”

Lucky got up to go when something occurred to her. “Say, I really appreciate the offer… but do you only have positions for insurance agents? I was really hoping to get a job as an auditor, actually. That’s where my experience is.”

The man frowned.

“I still have my license for being an insurance agent, of course.” she hurriedly added. “I was just… really hoping I could go into auditing. Is there a way to transfer after a couple months?”

She was about to add more when something stopped her. The thing that had been bothering her this whole time.

Her license. They hadn’t asked to see her insurance agent license at all when she’d applied. She’d assumed that they would at the interview, but the interviewer hadn’t.

Lucky felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She lunged forward, looking more closely at the papers she’d signed. They said nothing about insurance, and a great deal about the company not being responsible for bodily harm or injury while at work.

The man was still looking at her. “We don’t have any auditor positions, if that’s what you’re asking. Just agents.”

Lucky felt very, very cold. “What,” she asked, trying to maintain her composure. “exactly, do you mean by ‘agent?’”

In her haste, she’d forgotten the one thing she of all people should’ve known: to read the fine print.

Now, Lucky works as an agent for the Lampshade Corporation, the company responsible for the closure of so many jobs in Bookerton. Her people skills and eye for technicalities earned her a position as a Liason Officer, but sometimes she still yearns for something more…

Level 3
Health - 0/21
Magicks Pool - 5/25
Magic Pool - 14/14 20

Available Ability Points: 0

Skill Leveling
Honour 1/1
Empathy 3/3
Logic 2/4
Wisdom 2/5
Agility 0/6
Reaction Speed 0/4
Awareness 1/3
Innerworkings 0/2
Endurance 1/5
Physique 0/5
Survivalism 1/6
Mech Intervention 0/3
Address 1/5
Composure 2/3
Influential Rhetoric 4/3
Charm 1/3
Downgrade Leveling
Conspiracist 1/2
Hypomania 0/1
Paranoia 0/2
Hexed 0/2
Downtrodden 0/3


  1. (LH)
  2. (RH)
  3. (Front Pocket L)
  4. (Front Pocket R) .410 Birdshot Revolver
  5. (Back Pocket L)
  6. (Back Pocket R)
  7. (Left Arm) A.C.M.U
  9. (LS)

Sales Pitch (1): +1 Influential Rhetoric
Sleight of Hand (1): +1 Address
Customer Service (1): +1 Empathy
Auditor’s Insight (2): +2 Logic
Arbitrate (2): You may spend 5 magick (3 magic) mana to prevent target character (A) from attacking a second target character (B) until your next turn. You may not choose yourself for either target. Cooldown of 1 turn.
Luck be a Lady (2): You may spend 3 magic mana to reroll a dodge attempt. Do this only once per encounter. You may not use this ability when you are in absolute damage.
Bargaining Chip (2): After entering into a verbal or written agreement with another character (player, NPC, or enemy), spend 7 magick (3 magic mana) mana to restore health to both players (15 health if you are allies and 20 health if you are enemies). If you are the first to break your side of the agreement, you will lose 20 health if you are allies and 25 health if you are enemies (the other character is not affected). The target character cannot be aware of this ability for it to work. You may not repeat conditions between uses.
Legally Binding (3): spend 6 magick (3 magic) mana to bind another character in place. Until your next turn, neither of you may dodge the first attack you receive. Cooldown of 2 turns.
We Had an Agreement (4): If another character violates an agreement established by Bargaining Chip, you may spend 5 magick (3 magic) mana to deal 75% of your magick attack to that character (75% of magic attack if you used magic mana).
Null and Void (5): Spend 8 magick (4 magic) mana to counter a magical or magickal ability (choose a new target for the ability, within line of sight). This ability can be overloaded by certain special magick attacks by bosses. Cooldown of 2 turns.

Win Condition - Ensure the death of the target while completing the mission and live to die another day.

boring Mathematics dont delete

melee = 1
ranged = 5
sharp = 6
magicks dmg = 22 (16.5 when 75%)
magic dmg = 26
gun = 0

acc = 44%

health = 43
magicks pool = 25
magic pool = 20

dodge = 2%

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everyone but someone had this wincon fyi







host explaination
this… happened
there was significantly less activity then i had ever expected but i think this was wayyy better executed on my end then tom
having a large group travel together is probably for the best in these sorta things, its way less work on my end
the characters were fun
i hate freelance abilities so much now
…thats everything i can think of im back to eating


Road trip!!!



Belladonna Rudyk-LaFey, The Mercenary

Y’ ever seen what happens when y’ corner a wild animal…?





Y’ don’ KNOW me. Not th’ REAL me.

It would be easy to say that Belladonna Rudyk-LaFey lost her mind. In all truth, though, she never really had it to begin with. It was seized from her from birth. No one values a mind. They only want the hands that act.

Th’ world wants what I can do, not who I am… not me. An’ neither d’ you.

Training. Training. Training. Always. Forever. Never-ending. People that lie. Promises never to be fulfilled. Never enough. She was never enough. They would never give her what she wanted (love stability supportANYTHING). Confusion turned to frustration turned to anger to resentment to HATRED.


So FUCK you. I wan’ NOTHIN’ t’ do w’ you! I’M DONE.

She wasn’t. She couldn’t leave. It was all she knew. Fighting, killing, trying to make ends meet, find the next meal. She got good at making do. Everyone has to. She wanted a better life. There was no better life around, to be found. Fuck it all. Despair settles in.

It all falls apart, one day. Suddenly, he’s gone- suddenly, SHE’S gone, following his footsteps into the deep, deep water of her coastside home, where their graves will remain. Suddenly, their child stands on the beach, knowing, engulfed, imbued with raucous pandaemonium. Belladonna is alone. Belladonna is free. So she runs. She runs until the soles of her feet are bloody and every breath she takes feels like knives down her throat.

Alone, at the edge of a universe…

Alone, to think.

Alone, to find her thoughts growing heavy.

Alone, to be crushed under their weight, with no one to help her.

H-hey… hey, is- is anyone there?
Fuck, I’m lost… what 'n idiot… god, FUCKING damn it-
No, wait, hey, please- I don’ wanna starve out here!
S-someone, anyone-
Th’ fuck? Hey! Get back here! I swear I-
Fuck, where… nothin’…? No, can’t be-
No- no. No. I’m bein’ hunted. I’m bein’ fuckin-
Y’-y’ won’ kill me. Y’ won’ take me alive!
Fuck d’ y’ want from me?!
Who’s there? No, y’ can’ hide from me…!
Th-they’re here, they’re- no, wait, I- hiding pieces a’ SHIT!
What d’ y’ WANT from me?!

But nobody came.
Nobody heard.
Nobody saw.

Nobody was even there.

Time passes. She makes do. Everyone has to. She’s alive, but left an animal, twitchy and paranoid. Animals are slaughtered. She’ll die out here. The things hunting her will make sure of that. They want her dead, she’s convinced. A sane mind would rationalize the sickness in her genes, the mental cancer was eating away at her as stress peeled away her psychological shields, exposing vulnerabilities like acid. But this was no time for sanity. This was survival, and no sane mind was left to counter that.

Sometime in there, she found a way out, back to civilization. But she was too far gone to take it. They’d never take her back, anyways. She wasn’t like them anymore.

But she was like him. An angel in pink and blue, passing through, scaring off the scurrying shadows. A fallen angel with deep, dark bags beneath eyes that beamed with sunlight- the kind of sunlight that rots your skin with melanoma, that burns away your life in the desert, that dries lakes and kills crops, or perhaps… the kind that brings dawn, the dawn that shows you the aftermath of the long, dark night.

Sun and moon met, sun and moon fought. Between Soleil and Lune, gold and violet, red spilled, precious life left to soak into the earth and be consumed by it. Ferocity, sorrow, anger, grief, competition, necessity. Where no one could see them, they danced alone, a waltz of wonders and horrors, a match made in hell.

Somewhere in there, they simultaneously realized they had lost their minds. Perhaps each one’s reflection in the other’s eyes were too familiar. Mise en abyme, so let the dreamers wake up from the nightmare. Bring each other back from the brink, and let instinct guide you through memory to the way out.

It was hard work, getting back on their feet. He’d been maddened for about as long as she had, but with the mercenary skills to match, they got back to business, one day at a time, one step at a time-

Except they weren’t gone. She’d see them, haunting her, waiting on the outskirts, outside of the light. Sometimes, if her mind frayed enough and her defenses dropped, they’d get closer and closer. Strangely enough, though, she started to get the feeling they, perhaps, didn’t want to hurt her as bad as she thought… or maybe that was her new friend’s influence, o forgiveness (o complacency). He had his own demons he heard, but of a different nature, and she coaxed him through that all the same.

Sometimes, she’d start to think things. She was invincible. She was cursed. Something in was in her skin. The walls were not only listening, but talking. That lady’s brain was rotting, had a tumor, had a worm in it, and nobody knew but her. She was divine. She was a puppet with no free will. She had to kill this guy RIGHT FUCKING NOW. (That last one was the most common.)

Sometimes, he’d tell her things. He was immortal. He was a monster. Someone inhabited this body before him. The forest was not only alive, but sapient. That man was a deity incarnate, a reincarnation, a creature of carnage, and nobody knew but him. He was the Devil. He was atoning for his sins from the last life. He had to kill this guy RIGHT FUCKING NOW. (He tried to keep that one in check.)

She made mistakes. He made up for it. Cooperation turned to frustration turned to anger to resentment to HATE. They hated each other. They couldn’t leave. They were all they had. They were the best things for each other that they could have ever found. They were each other’s bane, misery incarnate. Turmoil, tornado, torment.

Alone in the heart of the universe, just me and you.

And if anyone got close, they’d run.

And if anyone got close, they’d fight them off.

And if anyone got close, they’d KILL them.

…d’… d’ y’ think that… s’meone out there cares about us…? ‘S lookin’ out f’r us?
"Why would you ever think that?"
Weird fant’sy… like, someone lookin’ for us… wantin’ us well… sounds nice…
"I think you’ve had too much to drink."
Fffffuck off.
"Yes, indeed, you have."
It’s j’st th’t… y’ gotta think th’t… is this really all th’re is? Just runnin’ ‘round, tryin’ t’ make 'nough money… f’r what…?
"To keep staying alive."
…'m not happy.
"Well, neither am I. But… I think, someday, in the future, I’d like to retire from this kind of life. I used to be a painter, you know."
'S’that right?
"Yeah. And I think… I don’t remember very well, my past life, but I was happy, back then."
'S not much. Quiet. Boring.
"Maybe for you. But… it’s better than this."
…'nything’s better than this.
"See? You understand. It’s the hope that there’s anything other than this. That’s what I’m looking for, Bella."
…me too.
"Then we just have to keep on going."
…ugh… hurts.
"I know… but it’s the only way out. Maybe someday, we can both find someone to settle down with, start a family… maybe we’ll even be on good enough terms to stay in touch. If we get over being psychotic, homicidal bastards, that is."
Gonna be sick…
"Yeah, me too. I’m sick of it also… the hearing things, the seeing things, the believing things, the-"
I mean I- grhk-
"Oh. That. Hahaha… uh… the garbage can’s right by you. Lighten up on the whiskey, please."
…fffffuck you, eat shit! Die, even- !!!
"Haaaahhhh… fuck you too, Bella. Please go be sick in the trash can, not the floor."

…but if anyone got close, maybe they’d stop damning each other deeper into hell.

One day, the bloody trail they had left over the years was followed up on, and they were greeted with a surprise visit from a lady in white. Lampshade was hiring. Walk with the giants, she said, and one day, you may grow as tall as them yet.

Bella wasn’t convinced. She had heard the rumors, and she had grown far too used to the independent work. She didn’t trust people- she barely trusted her companion. And if even he was skeptical of this offer, so was she, tenfold. Be put under the boot of some bureaucrats and their bootlickers? A slave again? No, never. What could possibly make that worth i-

“You want a shotgun?”

Oh hell fucking yes hell the FUCK yes let’s go.



she/her (doesn’t mind he/him on occasion)

  • 5’6/167 cm
  • Of a muscular, broad-shouldered build.
  • O+ blood type
  • Born August 27th, XXXX. 20s… somewhere.
  • Known by her white half-mask and her sparklish greyish-violet shawl-scarf, always worn on the job atop whatever else she may have on today. Dons black fingerless gloves.
  • Darkest of dark skin, black bags beneath shallow violet eyes that always see something besides what they’re looking at. Violet hair to match (is that color natural?). Never drops lower than the chin, always messy and poorly groomed.
  • Her accent is rather peculiar. Her voice is infuriated, most of the time, with a natural growl. In a calm tone, it’s actually lower than normal.
  • Do not underestimate her. She’s strange, she’s dangerous, but she’s competent, and anyone with sharp enough eyes can tell.
  • Will bite. Stabs as a warning. Completely insane.


  • Believe it or not, she’s actually a mother of twins. This was the result of an ill-thought out one-night stand, and even she’s not sure who the father is. (It better not be Amini.)
  • Knew from the start she was going to be a poor mother, but had to go through with the pregnancy, so she put the kids up for adoption. She still visits them, when she can. Some kind of deeply-buried love.
  • Amini has been placed in a more administrative position, working in management. He despises it, but he’d never tell Bella that. You know how lucky the people who get to dodge the front lines are? She’d strangle him.
  • Her mother’s side of the bloodline is special, magical, perhaps even royal, once upon a time. It also carries severe mental illness, which has reared its ugly head in Bella and took her mother’s sanity and eventually life. Let’s hope history does not repeat.
  • Of all of the strange spectres she sees and hears that no one else can, there’s one she’s grown particularly acquainted with. His name is Hirluin, and she’s dead convinced he’s real, and some kind of olive-branch-extending emissary from Them. If anything, she’s grown rather friendly with him. You may see her talking to nothing, if she can’t perceive anyone watching. Does that make her insane, or is that what they WANT her to think?
  • There’s a particular blue haired loser from her hometown that she will immediately throw hands with on sight. His name is Scythe Stormlight and he sucks.
  • Her ass is so undiagnosed autistic
  • Her parents loved her. They never knew how to show it. She figured it out only after they were gone. She’s never forgiven them.
The surface...
statistics metrics
Honour 0/1
Empathy 0/3
Logic 0/4
Wisdom 0/5
Agility 3/6
Reaction Speed 4/4
Awareness 1/3
Innerworkings 1/2
Endurance 2/5
Physique 3/5
Survivalism 4/6
Mech Intervention 0/3
Address 1/4
Composure 2/3
Influential Rhetoric 0/3
Charm 0/3
...merely hides the truth.
curses salvation
Conspiracist 2/2
Hypomania 1/1
Paranoia 2/2
Hexed 0/2
Downtrodden 0/3




Are you your insanity, or some other thing? When suffering from symptoms of insanity, in correlation to severity, some of what she thinks and perceives may uncontrollably start to come true. Fortunately for her, it’s usually in her favor. This ability may develop further, depending on the circumstances. God help us all if she reaches her full potential.

MAKE IT STOP - For 1 Magic, you may dispel the effects of insanity immediately.


My beautiful, bloodthirsty baby!

Your gear includes an enchanted (cursed?) shotgun. You begin with 1 charge (ammo), and gain one for every 3 regular attacks you land. Ammo is not consumed if you land the shot. It deals 25% more damage than your highest attacking stat on hit, unless your highest stat is magic, in which case it deals that much damage. However, anyone actively wielding it finds themself paranoid and unusually aggressive. (Was it like that before you got your hands on it?)


This isn’ just a fuckin’ job. It’s my LIFE.

Should you land a hit on a target AND dodge an enemy’s attack in one combat round, you get another attack action. This stacks, should you be facing multiple opponents or an opponent with multiple attacks. If you catch someone off guard in combat (ambush, successful feints, etc.), you deal 1.5x damage. This ability has a 1 round cooldown between activations.

MAD HEART - Before receiving your attack results, you may spend Magicks or Magic to increase your dodge chances if you land your attack. (+10% per Magicks point/+20% per Magic point)

FIGHT OR FLIGHT | Conditional (Desperation)

I’m jus’ an’ animal in th’ end… all 'f us are.

If Belladonna is alone in a fight, she may choose to activate this ability in one of two ways. She may either become adept (rolls twice, takes the higher roll) in attacks and inept (rolls twice, takes the lower roll) in dodging/fleeing, or the other way around. If a teammate has been knocked unconscious or killed, this ability immediately activates without the ineptitude, and if Belladonna is also down to her absolute health bar, she becomes adept in both for the fight.

TWO ROUNDS | Item/Defensive

I’ll never give up, I’ll never give in…

You begin with a protective vest hidden under your clothes, which resists stabbing. Furthermore, you have a natural healing factor that kicks in outside of combat. (You don’t know how “natural” it really is.) At a rate determined by the host, you will slowly regain your (first) healthbar over time. (You’d do well to not blab about this.)


Am I real, or someone else’s dream?

Have you woken up, at last?
You have chosen to step into the void and embrace the magic, madness, sadness.
Remember your birthright.
Your HEART and MIND and SOUL unite.
We are your family.
You have only touched upon the surface of your capabilities, but you may now serve as a willing channeler to the forces swarming the unseen layer of reality.
Remember yourself.

Belladonna’s sanity has hit an all-time low. With her mental defenses fractured, she has decided to accept the strangeness and, instead of giving up, embody it to accomplish her true desires. Her insanity now fully benefits her, and though she cannot control it, it will manifest in any way necessary.

  • Belladonna’s magicks pool has increased!
  • Belladonna’s psychosis is now far more active.
  • The manifestations of Belladonna’s psychosis will no longer risk harming her.
  • Hirluin may appear.

Ensure the death of the target while completing the mission and live to die another day.

Level 3
Health - 37/67
Magicks Pool - 11/11
Magic Pool - 4/4


  1. (LH) Shotgun.
  2. (RH) Katana
  3. (Belt) World-Ender Grenade
  4. (Belt) Empty Vial
  5. (Belt) Radio

boring math dont delete

67 hp
19 melee
13 Ranged
14 sharpshooter
10 magicks dmg
12 magic dmg
0 gun dmg

65% acc
23% chance to dodge

The final ability was the added one. I waited until the Adam “fight” to pop that choice, and I do not regret it.

Also I forgot to add the battleaxe to the inventory. It’s supposed to replace the empty vial.

Yes she’s keeping the katana as well. It’s a katana.


my sixth favourite part about this was you all getting so hyped up about this big fight with the guy youve been chasing and hes sitting in his room shirtless watching anime and eating


Atlas can attest to the absolute insanity that went on in the rolecard DM.

With their permission, anyone is welcome to join the PM and view it.

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