[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.


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oh let me post mine


everything about these abilities was because i was so worn out


Time is so coooool

my one single ability I made before leaving is going in my archives

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Level 2
Health - 56/56
Magicks Pool - 35/35
Magic Pool - 20/26

Melee Damage = 7 + WP
Ranged Damage = 12 + WP
Sharpshooter Damage = 11 + WP
Magicks Damage = 27 + WP
Magic Damage = 32 + WP
Accuracy = 71% + WP + 10%
Dodge Chance = 10%

Skill Leveling
Honour 0/1
Empathy 0/3
Logic 1/4
Wisdom 5/5
Agility 1/6
Reaction Speed 0/4
Awareness 1/3
Innerworkings 2/2
Endurance 2/5
Physique 0/5
Survivalism 1/6
Mech Intervention 1/3
Address 1/4
Composure 3/3
Influential Rhetoric 0/3
Charm 1/3 + 1
Downgrade Leveling
Conspiracist 1/2
Hypomania 0/1
Paranoia 1/2
Hexed 0/2
Downtrodden 0/3


  1. (LH)
  2. (Coat) “Button”
  3. (Coat) Stun Baton (+5 melee)
  4. (Coat) Single-fire Fiocchi Golden Turkey TSS 13/16 oz. #9 Shot Handcannon. [1 shot, 58 gun damage (r)]
  5. (Coat) Keycard, Planner, Notebook and Pen, Detective’s Identification.
  6. (Head) Funny Fur Hat
  7. (Back) Pipe (+3 melee one handed, +9 melee two handed.)

Calm Down (0) - If you attack next turn, you have a doubled chance of hitting. This consumes a turn.
Block (0) - Roll a 1d3. That number will be the amount of damage decreased to any damage you take this turn. If you can, whilst submitting this move, also predict the exact method of attack (Fist to the stomach, knife to the heart, etc), you gain an extra turn. You must be specific. “They’re going to try and stab me” isn’t specific enough, unless all they submitted is “stab them”. This consumes a turn.
Dodge (0) - Roll a 1d20. That number will be the percentage chance, increased, of you dodging any attacks aimed at you this turn. If you roll a 20, you automatically dodge all (realistic) attacks. If you can, whilst submitting this move, also predict the exact method of attack (Fist to the stomach, knife to the heart, etc), you gain an extra turn. You must be specific. “They’re going to try and stab me” isn’t specific enough, unless all that was done is “stab them”. This consumes a turn.
Steady! (1) - Passive: If you did not move last turn, you gain +10% accuracy and +10% critical chance.
Time Rip (2) - Passive: Basic Magicks attacks cost 0 mana and Basic Magic attacks cost 6 mana. You can cast magic/k attacks from your hands. This costs a turn.
Time Stop (3) - For 4 magic mana, or 9 magicks mana, you may stop time for all beings, objects, and things except yourself, and objects you directly hold. During this time, you may attack or move equivalent to your standard amount, as a free action. You also are able to see the weak points of any enemy, if they exist. This has a cooldown of two turns.
Rewind Fate (4) - For 2 magic mana, or 4 magicks mana, you can heal 25 HP. This consumes a turn. If you wish to not consume a turn, the cost doubles. This has a cooldown of two turns.
Conqueror of Time (5) - Passive: If you are part of a party that deals a finishing blow onto a “boss” enemy, you gain one stat they excelled in out of their three best stats.


Oh yea its rewind time


you all can feel free to add anyone into yours at anytime now that the games over
i dont care


i got this instantly and im annoyed



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mean part
when you all sign up for games, it is, relatively expected, that you give your best shot at playing them
there was an entire role dedicated to playing if you were unsure (eliza is innocent in this), so
a good amount of players played less then 10% of this game, and the majority of those were under 5%
if you signup to games in the future, please keep in mind the amount of time and effort that goes into these, and the time and effort other players spend in games also, including in forum mafia

to those who did play: please don’t directly call these players out




Yea life ate me like a few weeks ago I hated it :sob:

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gonna prank atlas when our schedules overlap


other then this, i think this turned out… well, on the whole.

thank you all for playing. i very much enjoyed your existence.

also mr. lampshade is dead. do with that information as you will. thanks belladonna and lucky




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CEOs when I exercise my right to the second amendment


Also, sorry to Lucky and Zoan who are gonna have to deal with Belladonna’s mental breakdown because I assure you the minute she gets into any kind of “safe” place she’s gonna be like twice as bad mentally as she was


On the bright side, she now has Amini, and not a voice in her head that she convinced herself was an echo of his soul representing the fae.