[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

this was like 5 every 3 or so turns



new atlas pfp arc



gg i was a name on the wall

i am back and i have Thoughts™

Lucky was really fun to play, even though her combat potential was pretty terrible

I really liked being a character designed for social interaction (especially NPCs), though if I could have done anything differently with hindsight I would’ve changed some of my abilities to give me more combat potential

because, as I’ve said, it was pretty bad
I’m pretty sure I could’ve died in a 1v1 against a wolf

the main issue that I experienced was that most of my ‘combat’ abilities were non-damaging, and the others were highly situational

all my damaging abilities:

  • use mana for a free attack on somebody that broke a deal I made with them (which… never happened, because nobody stabbed me in the back and all the hostiles were unwilling to deal)
  • use mana to redirect an opponent’s magical attack (which I did use in the giant robot fight (lasers are magical, apparently) and in the Mr. Lampshade fight), which didn’t really trigger when fighting wolves or ninjas because they don’t have magic

so my massive mana bar didn’t help me that much with actually doing damage

I’m very glad I got the spear, because my accuracy and melee were very bad and having a sentient spear help me fight was needed in pretty much every fight that wasn’t Whole Team vs Big Bad Boss


Yea for sure, I went a lot more combat cuz I suspected I would be alone and need to be self sustaining, but wow was I bad at any social situation. I really wish I had a chance to fight with you guys it would have been very cool

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Epilogue: Wilson.

…One week later.

Wilson (occasionally referred to as Victor) is holed up in this… shack… with those present in the assassination against John Lampshade. He takes a cigar out of his pocket, before… knocking.

Belladonna readies her shotgun, gesturing towards the door. Wilson nods, and slowly creeps up to it, and shoving the door open at once. A small group of Lampshade soldiers stand before him, unarmed.

He pauses, before speaking. “…Yes?” Wilson asks. Belladonna growls behind him, Zoan crosses his palms in a claw grip, and Lucky does… something.

The first soldier opens and closes her mouth, before finally talking. “…So you know how you killed our boss and we actually got it on camera this time?”

The second continues. “…According to this document.” They pull out a signed contract. “…When a Lampshade owner gets assassinated, all those compliant in their death gets the entire company. Trial by combat or somethin’.”

“…” Wilson stares. Belladonna growls. “…And if I don’t want it?” He asks.

“Well…” The first soldier pauses. “It’s already in your name. And we got bills to pay. And Markus over there.” She gestures to a man in the far back. “Has kids. So we kinda need a boss. And you need to pay your enormous taxes for owning a business.”

…Wilson scrunches his eyes.

Epilogue ends.


(yes, that is his legal name.)


omg thats so cool


Epilogue: Aiko Lampshade

Two weeks later.

Aiko (only referred to as Aiko), stands at the top of this giant, ivory building. Having your dad, and your closest confidant dying in the span of about five minutes from your other allies hands kinda does put a mess on your life.

…Least she didn’t have to take the company.

“I’m…” Aiko speaks to nobody in particular. “…Done with this. I was probably never good at being a merc in the first place.” She presses her hand across her face, gritting her teeth when she presses on her damaged eye.

“…Maybe I could be a bartender downstairs or something.” She says. She takes out something from her pocket, stares at it, and stashes it back in, walking down from the roof.

Aiko walks all the way through the rooms. It’s refurbished, and the carpet from the execution floor had to be replaced, for… obvious reasons. There’s an actual memorial here. Not much honourment was spared for Mr. Lampshade, who was promptly burnt and had his ashes stored in an urn somewhere underground. But at least those two got something.

“…What is this company even going to be called now? It’s been Lampshade for the better part of 109 years.” Aiko comments. She doesn’t seem too held over by the idea of a namechange, but…

…Well, there’s nothing left to do here, for now. Wilson’s put a hold on the whole ‘Mercenary Business’ after Mr. Lampshade’s final disaster of a mission, so there’s no reason for her title to be challenged anyway.

“…Mmm.” Aiko chews on her nails. The taste is still sour. “What to do…”

Epilogue ends.


That’s the end for the host written epilogue’s. The final original post change should be coming shortly.


May he rest in pieces.





can i get access to the pm chain where we did the poker game

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with all respect that was by far the funniest pm chain all game short of my rolecard pm chain

Great minds think alike!
(Yet fools’ rarely differ…)


Yea no I killed a grand total of 2 bosses so I had a TON of regret for that one

every other one I was very happy about tho