[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

yeah I may have made a 4 cost ability that I never used

live and learn :man_shrugging:

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I love power ramping tho, like it feels so good

Honestly I should have followed yall but like I would have fallen behind on my mission if I didnt its tough

fun fact: if literally nobody breaks their deals then this ability does nothing



God can we do a mock combat between us cuz I want to see how good/bad my build is

I feel like its either really good or really bad with no in between lmao

or if nobody accepts your deals

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*stares at you with envy*


If I didnt heal I would have had it BAD like I took over 100 damage from the attack on titan monster


i would get melted

if you put me with like 2-3 other people then I think there’s a decent chance we win, but that’s also not a fair fight

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Also idk if yall ever went back but I did drop the entire clocktower on the monster so its fucked now


we saw that it wasn’t there in the background

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True but I did have some nutty stat boosts for being detective and extra turns

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Dude was lurking under the tower its nuts

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but yea the capsule with keycard stuff was me specific

(Palms… Plural.)
…oh hey. We got a prosthetic.

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Still sounds fun ngl

Same lost my arm after falling off a cliff lmao

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at first I thought the giant monster we fought was going to be the clocktower