[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

pretty much every contract lucky made involved some form of non-aggression stopping the other from attacking her

mostly so she, one of the squishiest characters out there, would have some form of protection from betrayal


how many contracts were signed?


“At least two.”

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bella is actually very unlikely to attack someone not attacking her without reason
she perpetually feels on the defensive and in danger
furthermore, as expounded in her narration during the wolf fight, she feels like a predator- specifically, in that a predator wants to AVOID fights
however, if she’s contracted to attack someone for money/another reward or they attack her, her bloodlust activates and she goes on a rampage


also zone did zoan have did or was he just haunted

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(We’re ghosts.)
Zoan muffledly grumbled.
(He doesn’t believe in ghosts.)
(It’s kinda funny how it works, but Zoan is more like a terminal. Za Warudo enforces(?) the world upon Zoan, and we see what Zoan sees.)
(Za Warudo → Zoan → Zone.)



Bella had numerous voices in her head, as you can see. Four made their appearances.


I intentionally did not decide whether it was magical (real) or psychological (fake) in origin because there’s just no fun in setting an unblurred line.


Oh fair, it is more fun that way


Ask any questions you may have and I will answer

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The story’s over, so I have nothing more to hide

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(We can control Zoan, but we are “technically” not Zoan either. Za Warudo also controls Zoan.)
(We are merely “players playing a game”, and Zoan is our “character”.)
(This is actually the form I am most comfortable with. Agency is a luxury. If “a player” tries to go rogue, then it should be able for “the host” to null any actions the player attempts to perform.)

(That, and there would be no other way to explain the multiple opinions I have within me. At least, not unless we state that our character has multiple personalities, but we don’t want that.)
(A strong and steady mind should be the way to go!)
(Unfortunately, we are not strong by ourselves…)
(So instead, we shall burden ourselves unto a character who can handle all of us! MWAHAHA!)


What did you do at the Bar, and how many people did you kill?

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Two. Bella would have killed more if the enemies she was facing hadn’t been taken out so well by the bouncers.

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She did not start the bar fight.

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also the amount of distinguishing i had to do between “I am thinking this OOC” and “I am kind of thinking this OOC but it aligns with what Bella is thinking IC” and “Bella is thinking this IC” and “Bella (the alter) is thinking this OOC” and so on

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Man… Must’ve been fun.
(Meanwhile, we were just hanging around at the clocktower…)
Speaking of which, does this mean that the A.I. at the clocktower is also dead, since Z dropped the entire thing onto an enemy?

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It’s a weird experience running yourself/ves in any roleplay form, isn’t it?