[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

It was still alive when I jumped out of the building, idk if it was reduced to rubble tho

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It said it was designed to withstand a nuclear blast.


So it’s probably trapped in And I Must Scream

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I thought the computer was gonna become our enemy, tbh



slightly /neg
there were a lot of things that seemed like they were gonna tie into the plot and then went nowhere and i don’t know if that was just bella’s/my conspiracist nature or. something
especially as IHNMAIMS is uh. yaknow. evil computer

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Mmn. I can only imagine. No, perhaps I don’t even have the power to imagine it.

(In our case, we “never truly know” what Zoan thinks. After all, he is but our puppet. Instead, we only had to worry about “ourselves”.)

Except there was nothing that could hurt ghosts, so it was more like “taking care of Zoan (our toy) such that it doesn’t break (because we want to continue playing)”.


What happens to your toys after the game ends?

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(The same as all our other toys.)
They either die in-game, or they get buried post-game.

I cannot afford to remember them… so I’ll have one of my characters from another RP break the spacetime-continuum to kill Zoan and bury him.
(This would be the second “Zoan” “Zone (the adventurer)” had to kill.)


We usually just add the data to the database. Depending, it can become source data, or just simulation data. Either way, it reinforces the Core Self of the alter.


Epilogue: Lucky Wynn

One year later.

Marv felt a searing blaze of heat pass over his shoulder. “Stop!” he shouted as he scrambled to his feet. “You’re under arrest!”

“Says who?” Jim the Lighter laughed. The gangster’s voice was low and gravelly. “A mall cop like you?”

Marv raised his fists, heaving for breath. His gun had already been melted to pieces. He’d called for backup, but nobody here was trained to deal with magic users.

“I own all the cities in the Basin, boy,” Jim said, flame already flickering around his fists. “That includes this town. You can’t stop me.”

“That’s what they all say,” a voice said from behind Marv. He turned around.

A woman walked through the mall, limping slightly. Her sharp business attire was in stark contrast to the dingy, beaten up walking stick she held in her left hand. She carried a yellow legal pad in her right hand. “But I beg to differ.”

“What are you gonna do, write me to death?” Jim laughed. “Hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but paper’s real flammable. Just like your face.” The fire flickering around his hands began to grow.

The woman tucked her notepad away into her coat. “When I was little, I wanted to be a wizard.” she said. “Have magic powers, do cool things. Blow stuff up! Fly! Turn gold into lead.”

She sighed. “And then I met some spellcasters at college. They could do things wayyy more powerful than everyone else, and they knew it. The most obnoxious people I’ve met in my life, and I’ve worked in retail and the legal department.”

“They saw their powers, and by extension themselves, as untouchable. And for the most part, they were right. Case in point.” She gestured towards the growing fireball.

The woman’s eyes began to glow softly. “But as I got older, I realized that everything has a price. Everything has terms and conditions. And you-” she pointed towards Jim. “-haven’t read them.”

“Too much talking!” Jim hurled the fireball at the woman.

“Look out!” Marv shouted. She’s too far away! he thought. I can’t reach her in t-!

The woman raised her hand.Null.

Three glowing rings of text appeared in front of her. The fireball smashed into them, then dissapated.


The fireball reformed at the glowing shield of text, then surged back towards Jim and exploded, sending him flying backwards.

Lucky smiled coldly. “Should’ve read the fine print.”



longer than I thought it would be


I can’t afford to give them a happy ending.

Because I can’t afford to imagine the future of worlds where my characters’ friends and families are alive.

If a character of mine were to be successful, and get a family, then I “might” imagine of what those family might be doing. The possibilities are endless, which means that I’d have to think about them for eternity.

Same goes if a character were to have friends, students, disciples, lovers… I can’t afford the brainpower to imagine their future, when I’m already struggling to remember the hundreds of other fictional characters in my daily life.

So. Rather than thinking about it, I’d rather just kill them, and remember them for what they were when they were alive. (When “I” was alive.)


There are a number of things I could say here, but I think “duchamp” will suffice

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We got around that problem pre-syscovery by making like half of these fucks orphans or otherwise not in contact with their families, and the other half loners with like 1 friend


Also have you ever considered making them all ace aro

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I don’t know what any of those mean.

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  • duchamp:

  • syscovery: “you mean having a large amount of characters with their own emotions, opinions, and autonomies separate of me within my brain isn’t normal?”

  • ace aro: asexual aromantic, not sexually or romantically attracted to anyone


…ah, ****. I knew something was off.
(What is it?)
This “Zone”… is not Zone. His name was Qesar (pronounced as Caesar), but… He’s already dead!
(What? Then, is he also…)
Yeah. I just checked our graveyard. He’s there, next to Ethan’s and Zoan the Barbarian’s grave!
(Welp… I guess we gotta start writing Zoan Dalton’s death then. Before we start forgetting to add him to the grave.)

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(Not according to Zone.)
I am old-fashioned, okay?

(I mean, that could work?)
It could, but that is not the trait of the character (Zoan) I have in mind. Rather than changing their identities and letting them live a lonesome life, wouldn’t it be better to have them die a quick death so they can be remembered for the “good characters” that they were?

Inner dispute.

(Wow. That sounds like a mindset of a psychopath.)
They are characters anyway!
(True, but… you didn’t even remember Qesar.)
He already said he knew he would be forgotten, and he asked to let other characters have the same treatment as his! Why did you think past!Zone wrote that!?
Because the present me has the same mindset! We simply cannot afford to remember them! That’s “the true death of a character”; when they are forgotten! Now accept your reality, and start writing Zoan Dalton’s end!
(…hic. I-I didn’t want to forget them. Hic. I don’t want to. Hic.)

(Hic. Hic. Hic.)
…you will. We all will. It won’t even take us a year to forget this conversation happened. Such is the life we have.

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