SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.


So since hosts have vanished I believe votecount is 6 me 6 leafia

Actually no

5 me six Leafia

Hey Miu, what is your exact read on them though

Okay time to analyze Minnie right now

Blizer’s read on minnie appears to be a red flag to me.
-Minnie is sussie because that’s what I remember them doing in a game I’ve played with her. And the push also looks to be done too early to even gain traction. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Coukd you quote the text?

Blitz’s vote is rubbing me off, like all of his points against Minnie doesn’t make me swey towards “Oooo minnie kinda of sussie baka”.

But I’m willing to see more from Blitz, so

/vote Blitz @Host_Account_1


I feel like some of his points against min make a large amount of sense though

I believe the point of “lol sorry if this is too much, dunno haha” is kind of problematic if the player does something daring but for some reason is feeling anxious.

But a problem here, imo, is that Blizer locked-on that end message, his gut and very old meta-read in an effort to execute minnie. Based on what Minnie posted during this current game, Blizer is voting Minnie because of that end message.

And I don’t believe that latching on a micro-post and say “DONE, Found the furry, kill them!” is enough to deduce somebody’s allignment, which to me, sounds like a very forced push.

Wolves from my experience, tries to do an effort to push somebody that looks slightly suspicious, gets very confident about it and never does changes targets.

I shouldn’t be awake

after I post this I’m going to sleep, but actually

the way atlas is reacting now, despite the fact that he is very likely about to be executed soon is, is indicative of him being a villager

with that being said, im not actually going to make his life easier by voting someone, because you know, that would require more brain power than I have available in order to figure out who to vote

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Found the furry, kill em- I’m stealing that

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Atlas, I believe you also find Minnie to be wolfy, so why do you think that?


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Min - Arguing aside, I think they’ve been doing what wind’s been doing to a lesser extent. His solving looks like it comes from a town member

Here’s what I had in my readlist thingy

Basically mini wwa

when did leafia get six

I don’t believe it’s possible for 11 people to vote when 11 people aren’t even playing the game

Couple minutes ago when I posted that zone and gorta voted her