SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

Yes, but does that mean that the person who got the package will actually get to use it?
I thought only Litten would be able to use the discarded item?


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–is what I say, except I need to wait until EOD for my ability to work.

Person who gets package chooses what they want, up to 2 items from the pool of 3. ones not chosen are discarded, and i guess FK would have gotten the discarded item(s)

Okay. I guess that PR is more poweful than I expected. So. Have we chosen who should receive it yet? How long do we have to choose?

Ahem ahem

Ill say this about my push, cause idk if you saw my post, but i did state that min’s response to my posts were decent, which is why i stopped pushing.

Also, it was a reaction test, i wanted to stir conversation and get people to interact with other slots at the time outside of atlas and leafia, but IRL stuff (Work and Studying) kept me from pushing it a bit further

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i had time to collect my thoughts yesterday and ybw sus as fuck
he has no solid reads and they’re all shakily built so he can just pull away whenever he needs to



a rt…? okay then…

lmfao now i just feel silly

Yeah YBW looks bad from Atlas flip tbh

/vote min for crate @Host_Account_1

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it says its publuc so

i hope i can vote myself #boss

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Yeah, i exaggerated my read on the post, i wanted to get an emotional reaction out of you and i wanted people to look at your slot more but yeah it went nowhere, partially my own fault for not continuing to push, but your response was okay

wehh i wouldnt say it wouldve gone nowhere but no point in dreading on it now.

do u have any takes u wanna share?

his reads are light and uncertain like “i can push this later, or cut it loose”


I think Squirrel and Silvu have solid potential to be w/w atm

keep up