SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

Hmmm, I’m not sure to be honest. Mostly on gut, but my gut could easily be wrong. It was wrong about Atlas after all.

@Zone_Q11 Here is my thing for you

Go read Squirrel’s posts from start to now

Read them in both a perspective of “Why would a town say this” and “Why would a wolf say this”

What do these posts accomplish

What is a town or wolfs motivation for posting them.


A’ight, fair enuff.
So, what does this tell us about Silviu, whose chill attitude seemingly hasn’t changed so far?

From a Perspective of Town, hes unafraid of his position currently and contributes where he sees he needs to comment

From a Wolf Perspective, hes letting town cannibalize themselves, and is only commenting to look like hes giving a shit about the game.

I honestly think Silvui looks villagery enough for now. I’m giving them a townlean for now.


if Silvu does this as both alignments, then it is more NAI, but as i said with squirrel

Look at why a town or wolf would say and act like this, and what he benefits as alignment from saying these things.


That’s a good rule to live by.


I have zero ides why aelin is claiming to he mech cleared while also saying that mech doesn’t matter in a bastard game



I also don’t even know why people are now bring locktowned but until anticlaim dies I’m only going to keep it in the back of my mind

My fingers are too fat

Lynch votes

Voted Voters Votes
silvu squirrel 1/8
Wind aelin 1/8
youbutworse zone, blizer, leafia 3/8

Weapon crate votes

Voted Voters Votes
min min,zone, leafia 3
aelin aelin 1
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Going to head out for RL matters now so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:

yeah im gonna study, and then ill have dinner soon aswell

Wont be active for a bit

haha im back
what did i miss

Just woke up for a bit

good reasoning

this feels sarcastic

I liked the post for a reason.

This is literally very good reasoning that usually comes from Town


Thanks, I hate it.

First post alone already sucks. I ain't doing this 90 more times.

First post is a wallpost. PAIN.

  • Squirrel connects Leafia with Kiiruma based of a conversation with Blizer. He states that it is potentially w/w, where Leafia shades her scumbuddy Kiiruma. He hedges the statement by claiming he misread Leafia all the time.
    [Town: He is attempting to find any interactions to start a conversation with.]
    [Mafia: He is shading Leafia. Ironically, it is not impossible for him to do exactly the thing he claims Leafia to be doing to Kiiruma, to Leafia. However, I am biased, and I find this unlikely to actually happen. I believe the odds are higher that he is just shading v!Leafia.]
  • Squirrel believes that Atlas’ post about PRs spews something, but he was unsure of what. He claims to put the post there just to find it again.
    [Town: He believes that Atlas’s post is scummy, which is very understandable given that Atlas is naturally good at provoking others by simply talking continuously. However, that post alone was clearly not enough to push Atlas.]
    [Mafia: He is hedging on Atlas. He set this post up in such a way that people sees something wrong about Atlas, so the people would vote Atlas up. After Atlas got executed, nobody would even pay attention to this part. This is very unlikely though, because Atlas doesn’t need more attention to get mis-exe’d. Atlas’ lack of self-pres is sufficient to get him exe’d.]
  • Squirrel wrote in all caps that he also misread Italy’s sentence in response to Windward.
    [Town: He just wrote this without thinking.]
    [Mafia: He just wrote this without thinking.]
  • Squirrel mentions how Leafia’s townread on Wazza after just a couple posts is a bold move. He expects to get the same treatment from Leafia.
    [Town: He just wrote this without thinking.]
    [Mafia: He just wrote this without thinking. GTH, given the first item of this wallpost, I believe that he is responding to v!Leafia. I have not seen much at all, yet I already have a hard time seeing Leafia/Squirrel being w/w because I don’t think w!Squirrel would be shading w!Leafia.]
  • Squirrel points out the anti-claim mechanic upon seeing Litten’s deathproof claim.
    [Town: He alerts Litten regarding the anti-claim. This is a good deed.]
    [Mafia: He alerts his scumbuddies about Litten’s claim. This is very unlikely though, because odds are high that the other scumbuddies would’ve already seen it. It would get brought up again eventually, so I doubt that this reaction was meant to signal his scumbuddies.]
  • Squirrel points out how a certain post from Italy was not related to what it was replying to.
    [Town: He just wrote this without thinking. It has a similar thought process as Squirrel’s reaction to Atlas’ post, except this one isn’t attacking Italy.]
    [Mafia: He is doing the same thing he did with Atlas. He is subtly shading Italy by mentioning the smallest weird things. I believe that Italy is V if Squirrel is W.]
  • Squirrel hedges on Leafia, but concludes GTH that Leafia/Blizer are not w/w.
    [Town: He states his genuine feelings about how hard it is to read Leafia, since she could be tryharding to interact with others as either alignment.]
    [Mafia: He is shading Leafia, but I don’t know what to do with his “gut read”. I can’t determine Blizer’s alignment from this short bit.]
  • Squirrel says something about “that which should not be named” to Italy.
    [Town: This is NAI. He just wrote this without thinking.]
    [Mafia: This is NAI. He just wrote this without thinking.]
  • Squirrel concludes that he doesn’t have a lot of thought on people other than Leafia, and that even those thoughts were inconclusive.
    [Town: He is open about his thoughts, and says whatever comes to his mind.]
    [Mafia: He is hedging.]

Clearly I have a bias that makes it easier for me to see everyone as evil, so taking that to account…
I believe that Squirrel is good.
More specifically: “Thinking hurts, so I will just trust this guy.”

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