SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

Wind is cleared by Wazza I believe. Unless you think they’re w/w?

I stated this earlier

you can see how after FK mentioned how Squirrel is acting like a spectator from the previous day is starting to become more involved with the thread a bit.

I’m literally just not caring tbh tbh
Wazza could be lying, Wazza could be wrong, Wazza could be reaction testing, or she could be telling the truth. I’m not going to rely on mech in a bastard game unless given a good reason to do so.


This is Truth

When I made that post, I hadn’t gotten caught up yet.

Ditto. Silviu is chilling way too much for him to be scum.
So chill even, that he’ll probably be forgotten by everyone at one point in the game.
–barring Squirrel.

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my issue with your vote and reasoning at the time was that it felt opportunistic at the time to vote Atlas, and add more pressure as he continued to dig himself a deep hole.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that generally a good thing, rather than something alignment-indicative?

The reason why is that I feel it would likely put too much pressure on him if he was a wolf because people would be considering that as a possible reason. Granted, I’ve never seen Squirrel as a wolf yet so take that with a grain of salt. It’s mostly based on gut.

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Am I a good reason? :pleading_face:

Okay, fair enuff.

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I guess I can kinda see where you were coming from, but fmpov it just seemed like a wolf digging themselves a hole and not being able to respond to pressure well. Especially when he refused to give a readlist until later in the day, even though it would’ve just been more beneficial to give it then

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Who looks the worst with Blizer and Atlas both dead and who will likely be recieving all the attention? Squirrel.

I see… I am sorry in advance for interrupting this topic, but I suddenly had a thought:
Has there been any potential w/w interaction so far? When you said “pressure” and “wolf”, I suddenly thought of “where are his scumbuddies?”

me when blizer deadpost

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Fair enough I think.

You mean Litten and Atlas?

It is and it isnt if ill be honest.

Ill give you an example actually.

Alice one day mention how FK’s wolftell was something along the lines of how he was acting in the thread with how he was approaching the game. That very game, FK was a wolf, and after Alice mentioned that, he fixed his tell, and changed his approach to the game, and because no one noticed really, he took over and won the game.

Its not as applicative here, but i am saying if you point out how the wolf is playing/approaching the game IN A GAME YOU ARE PLAYING WITH THEM, they usually try to change that and come from different angle and approach to the game, so that they improve their thread play

yes it is NAI, cause it applies to both town and wolf, but never underestimate how far someone is willing to go to change their playstyle and approach to a game to achieve victory


Hmmm, you bring up a good point there although I haven’t noticed any yet.

Wait, yes. My bad.

Assuming you meant Litten and not Blizer, the basis of my question was, why do you think Squirrel was framed, rather than assuming Squirrel carried the kill?