SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

all the people who actually play the game are materializing

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i just got out of school lol

There are various other places you can post notes at, including but not limited to, your class card, wolf chat, Google documents, ect

plus ive been reading up and a lot of the first 350 posts weren’t very… much
and like i just got out of a game that ended at like 1300 posts and about 5 of the 13 players hardly played so imo the faster we can force people to produce content the less of a headache this game will be


iirc it slows down cognitive function and weakens social inhibition, so people act more on how they feel

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playing mafia drunk is probably a pretty bad idea if you’re wolf.


damn italy out here calling wind dumb :pensive:


yes those words are very pretty but mean actually nothing to me considering I don’t have a base line for “how slow is it”

its different from person to person but overall this discussion is useless but from what i remember wind drinks regardless of alignment… and this sounds rude but like i dont mean in an alcoholic way wind just lightweight :P


basically drunk people do less of the thinking part and more of the acting part
how far that goes really depends on alcohol content andbthe amount drank


@Wazza where’d you go, ol’ buddy ol’ pal ol’ friendo?

I think the first time I played mafia drunk as a wolf, I won because town quick hammered and I came in, fake claimed, and left


you have the lightweight drinks that could just make you a little tipsy

Freudian slip

then on the opposite end of the spectrum is tequila and vodka, which are 50% alcohol

me, who just drinks straight ethanol:

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being drunk sounds like a nightmare for me because if I did everything I felt an impulse to do I would be dead

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forgot to put this thread on watching

I’ve played FM as wolf more than once while drunk

if you were drunk enough to do everything by impulse you’d probably be on the ground blacked out