SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

… why wouldn’t you?

Idk isn’t it irrelevant

How can that possibly be a slip? Anyway, going to eat supper now, so talk to everyone more later.

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Am I missing something?

Because I won as wolf my last game. How the heck is that AI?

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i dont see how
she’s happy because she won a game yesterday
idrk if it has to be related to the game ;-;


Doesn’t it make more sense for you to be excited as a wolf if you recently won as wolf?

This exactly.

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Maybe I’m just reading too much into it idk lol

No. Of course I’m going to be happy about a win regardless of my alignment this game. Either you’re blackout drunk right now or trying your best to shade me big time.


Now to eat supper. Sheesh. :sleepingleafeon:


leafeon moment


I’m not blackout drunk and I’m not trying to shade you, I was just going off of what I thought :sweat_smile: apparently im the only one who’s super motivated as a wolf if I’ve just won as wolf but less excited for the game if I rand town directly after

On second thought maybe that’s not even true the whole time

Wind it’s rlly hard to understand you, because you are drunk.

Idk if you’ve noticed but my logic is generally poop even if I’m sober

I’m on the train so I have some time to read back through stuff
I’m just debating whether it’s actually gonna result in contributing more to the discussion or confusing you instead .-.

Read through some posts again
Kind of feel like Litten is TMIing Leafia as town? Because he sounds like he’s coaching her to improve her reads like he knows already that she’s town and is going to jump to hasty conclusions

If this is an incorrect take then give me a reason to doubt it

what reason would W!Litten have to improve V!Leafia’s reads?

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