SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

im perfectly harmless, like a machete or nuclear warhead


It was a more of youā€™d answer ā€œbecause your evilā€ and Iā€™d go on a spree about vigilantes and neutrals


anyway fun fact did you know that guillotines sometimes became too blunt and took multiple chops to actually kill a person, leaving them suffering for potentially multiple minutes while the blade had to be raised manually again


Iā€™ve heard

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There was this one executioner in medieval France that kept having an unsharped blade and took several swings so he got executed for it

yes it was very ironic to watch

i mean


see i wanna post but im busy playin bideo bames and also cant really think of anything since brain is mush rn

ive been looking at thread but I just dont have any thoughts over anything

ill probably be more engaged tomorrow, may just close thread so I can read it all with a better mind

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When firing squads used to be common, only one of the executioners had a loaded gun and wouldnā€™t know they shot the prisoner

But isnā€™t that worse than just saying one person has the loaded one? It makes 10-12 people have to live with the realization they couldā€™ve been the one to shoot someone

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ye it really just depended
because like
statistically you probably didnt have the bullet but if youre one of those people it couldve felt like it was you regardless

i expect a lot out of you tomorrow though

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I dont have school tomorrow so thats actually possible

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alright, adios for now

now thats what i like to hear

Couldnā€™t sleep so I decided to real time a bit with people.

Notices the last time someone else posted was 2 hours ago :sleepingleafeon:

I guess there really isnā€™t anything to say

Hello, I came back to defend myself as I couldnā€™t yesterday.

I thought this was a joke~ But anyways.

Leafia within the first 23 posts when Iā€™ve posted that message, started up with these:

And then I asked him if he tries to pull a ā€œlol!Aliceā€ by being investigative this early, theyā€™ve said:

Which these demonstrates to me that Leafia is trying their best to investigate to get the wolf out as early as possible, which it looked very weird to me. How can you tell who is wolf this early on?
After that, Iā€™ve read the guide (Effective Wolf Hunting ā€¢ and asked myself:
Leafia, solid player, as she is. Tries to vote Gorta out to gain credibility because pushing = doing something?
Then the guide asks me Look for the HOW, not the what, so I looked how Leafia literally retracted their vote when they realized doing a mistake, which it doesnā€™t look like a type of wolf to constantly worry about how they appear to others.
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #28 by Leafia
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #53 by Leafia
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #128 by Leafia
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #132 by Leafia
The guide tells me level 1 player - a calm player avoiding responsibility. However he tries to improve his game by pushing one or two players all game, so I tried to look at how Leafia reacts and they look very volatile on what they can do, as to me~ they try to have stable ground on something which matches with their investigative behavior, even thought itā€™s literally D1 first 300 posts. (They also believe that their gut is magical, bad)
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #124 by Leafia
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #125 by Leafia
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #138 by Leafia
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #140 by Leafia
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #173 by Leafia
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #510 by Leafia
SCP FM (18/18) - Game Thread - #530 by Leafia
The guide also states 1. Was there progression and did it make sense?; 2. Was there a wolf motivation behind the action?

  • They didnā€™t do much progression in their pushes, as they focus on something else aswell.

So this is why I believe Leafia looks town and not because I have TMI.


Now Iā€™m going to backread, excusse-moi

Iā€™ll tell you how, so when I was working I was up VERY early in the morning and would check in the morning/through out the day on my phone. When I would get home I had a few hours to go over FM stuff. Iā€™m looking for work now, but Iā€™ve formed bad habits over sickness, sometimes spend time with family, and play games with friends quite a bit. I try to put in 1-2 hours a day or whenever Iā€™m at my PC.