SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

Eh, I can have several conversations at once, what haven’t you learnt?

Atlas, I don’t even know you personally to put a label on you. Please :ghosthug:

This has to esclate for a reason, im done backing down

I’ll try to avoid swearing and insulting you personally during this, but I won’t back down

i feel like the part where people back down was passed something 50 posts ago

The thing is

If I talk to people and you guys can hype them up as “go get the bully!! Never give up!” I can help myself the same way

There was one interaction I saw earlier that I wanted to make note of, but was too busy playing a game to really have all my thoughts organized. I’ll see if I can find that and make a post about it

So far I actually like how Leafia has been playing, which honestly kinda makes me go :face_with_raised_eyebrow: in a weird way but eh

I can agree with this, Atlas doesn’t remind me of how he played in the Sorc 17, which he was town in. He was only around for a day in that game but the posts are just hitting different. He was obv town in that game and in this one I feel like hes trying to rolefish for people

I can townread wazza for this actually, mainly bc I can also 100% agree with her


leafia how many times do we have to tell you wazza is a girl

The OP states that there is anticlaim and that also flavor claiming will result in a mod kill, so IDK why Atlas would even try to step anywhere near that

theres like one million different factions that oppose the SCP foundation, so it’s gonna be kinda hard to narrow it down.

Why do you think its specifically chaos or SCPs? Scps I can get but it could be GoC, Sarkic, Church of broken god, Scarlet kids (or whatever that ones called). Theres a ton of anti SCPF organizations. Don’t like this post

gonna ignore all the arguing here that helps no one

I don’t remember who my vote is on, think it was still on Italy, but a lot of Atlas’s posts feel like TMI and like he was blatanly rolefishing so I’m gonna place my vote on him for now

/vote Atlas @Host_Account_1

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I’m done with standing down to other people

people react aggressively to ad hominem on these forums
that’s how it’s always been

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scarlet hammer

This was referring to eli talking about MTF, not rolefishing
He said “isn’t the good guys the foundation” or something and I responded “they’re the mtf, your card should say mtf somewhere”


Kinda taken out of context

that’s the problem though
it sounds like fishing for MTF players


I want to know who my allies are? Damn

Chaos sounds the most likely, and was used for the other game and is the most popular counter-organization

It sounds more like he’s trying to make people slip up their flavour, that’s why I said my message about flavour in the first place


Its either chaos or GoC, but I think it’s chaos

I told him that so he knew why I was referring to town as “MTF”

delving a bit into lore-to-setup territory, the MTF are one of the most vital branches to countering attacks and it would be oh so terrible if one conveniently slipped up and ended up shot night one


im a wizard