SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

I’ve made my plans

Please alert me when 8 or more people are voting me

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7, actually

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wagon bomber

Hmmm, not too sure they’d put a jester type role in, although if they did, there’s only one flavor I can think of off the top of my head that would fit and that’s Jack Bright.


atlas are you attempting to perform a CFD near eod instead of like doing anything now because that is objectively scummy

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scp-whatever: literally just the tanner from ultimate werewolf


If I had any other plans I’d do it now


I’ll be perfectly honest, yes.
I don’t think W!Atlas is this defeatist, it feels so wrong to think they can be wolf here.
But I can’t exactly defend them, I know that it feels weird for me to be saying that I can’t in all good conscience read them as wolf and I understand why they’re being pushed.

I just, I think this has gotten out of Atlas’ control and that they’re a panicking townie.

Alright, it’s settled

I’ll be waiting

im back from work, going to catch up a bit

ill try to stay awake till around midnight, but i wont be on at EoD

Nothing i planned is worth it if your all not there, you know

look at their tones though
there is a difference between “fuck it, i’m done” and “oh well, guess i’ve done all i can”


Im not doing to lie I forgot about this game

so uh

when EOD

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8 hours

Who currently set to unalive today

I know there’s a difference but it’s one I’ve struggled to tell apart.
Perhaps call it a lack of experience in that particular manner.
I don’t often see this sorta thing

atlas right now

Atlas town!