SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.


if you both think Iā€™m scum with the other why canā€™t we be scum buddies

We can do evil things like ATE and self vote


Will it make you put together a readslist?

im saving that for eod

At least me talking to you and litten helped me get a small read on you both

Iā€™m more than capable of shifting a wagon off my partner and giving them advice onto how to act townie if they are taking heat. If Atlas is scum, then the way that I have taken a side-seat and the way I have handled both his wagon and people attacking him instead of fully committing one way or another is indicative of me being a town who doesnā€™t really think itā€™s worth it to go full out and think itā€™s better to wait and watch how it progresses, as opposed to a scum who wants to push agenda and defend their partners. As scum, Iā€™m very bullish. As town, Iā€™m more like my PFP.


Hey Litten, could you psycho-analyze my first 5 posts just for fun? I promise you a fun thing will happen if you do it!
(More importantly, I promise you an unfun thing will happen if you donā€™t.)

The problem I have with the way you have been treating me and atlas as potential partners is that itā€™s very surface level-y and I believe you could do better if you were town. You arenā€™t really looking at how Iā€™m playing, you are looking at what Iā€™m doing ā€œdefending someone I (squirrel) think is scumā€ and ā€œpushing I (squirrel)ā€

hey I wanna get dayvigged why does litten always get to have it

The way you have been playing makes me think that you know Atlas is going to flip scum, which would make sense considering how you been treating me and him as partners.

My current theory is heā€™s hoping I flip scum so he can push you

But thatā€™s the only thing Iā€™m spoiling from my readlist

if you want me to psychoanalyze you post more interesting stuff

I looked earlier and didnā€™t find anything interesting

by the way if this is Multiball then I take zero blame if ANY of my reads are wrong

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of course give me the credit for what I do right, thatā€™s the natural way of things after all

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if this is multi-ball remind me to never join a game geyde reviews that isnā€™t open

(This is also replying to aelin since theyā€™re the same question)

Littenā€™s arguing that atlas isnā€™t making posts that are pushing agenda or designed to look towny

While at the same time he points out that he doesnā€™t have any experience with w!atlas

How can litten know if atlasā€™ posts are designed to look towny if heā€™s never played with him before?

Plus litten began scumreading me for not really interacting with anyone up to that point

Which seems inconsistent since I would argue that not interacting is pretty devoid of wolf agenda and applying a double standard to me and atlas

Squirrel if you wish to execute me, hereā€™s a helpful advice. Attack me in walls. Drown me in walls. I am terrible at defending myself against walls because I solely play on mobile

Just some helpful tips

Are you reading what you are posting?



ig ill go find it in windā€™s iso later then

i just want to let people know I never think before I speak