SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

Must I spell it out?


Canā€™t hurt

Well, there are a couple different reasons why the second part doesnā€™t make sense, but Iā€™ll focus on the main one since I would go on a tangent if I started to talk about all the reasons it doesnā€™t really make sense

You donā€™t need to know how someone plays as a wolf to know if they are trying to seem townie. Look at how Atlas has played this game so far, and look at how his outlook on his death has been this game. It most certainly does not look like that he believes his behavior is doing him any favors, it looks like heā€™s accepted his death. You could tell that he does not believe heā€™s acting townie.

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Pretend Iā€™m a five year old squirrel with a short attention span

I believe your a scp similar to 079 or 035, which hates humans

I.E your an executioner

And your target is Litten or something similar

The posts I was referring to as ā€œbeing himselfā€ was when he went on this long rant about the community. That long conversation was not doing himself any favors in the game. I would say itā€™s town indicative because he would feel a little more committed to trying to play safer rather than anatagoize the players in the game if he was mafia.

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With that being said, this is based on my judgment. I acknowledge that I could be wrong in the way he approached the game, which is why I asked other people who had experience with him to chime in

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If you read what I said beforehand youā€™d realize that I had that prepared

Though, I think itā€™s safe to say that Atlas did not think that venting his frustrations out would seem townie to other people.

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I was waiting for someone to say that because I wanted to talk about it


Okay ngl I didnā€™t even consider executioners as a possibility but thats a fascinating take

Iā€™m a cat, so your theory doesnā€™t make sense sorry

Which is where the whole ā€œthrowing the game aside for a momentā€ statement came from

So basically youā€™re asking Squirrel to ask Aelin, Windward, and Blizer for help?

Two things:

  1. Learning is partially passive; humans usually do it unconsciously. The same applies for forgetting, except people canā€™t actively forget.
  2. Whether one improves is largely dependent on whether they want to improve in the first place or not. Without motivation and a little bit of conviction, all actions are meaningless.

Hi. Mobile-user here as well.

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honestly i dont care enough about scps to learn the flavor for this game so ill let the masses decide if thats

It would make sense as if you think Iā€™m evil, you want to lead town to ā€œconnecting the dotsā€ after I die and killing Litten

People would learn more if they paid more attentions to their surroundings

I observed several things this game
1.Italy could be weaponized by scum to clog the thread, because they love talking about certain things.
2.The game is more interesting when you revolve it around someone else (this is a more me thing though, feeds dopamine to use someone else).
3.I thought I had more to say but I donā€™t

I thinkā€¦ I think I am fine with my current self. Nowadays, I can remind myself to not be peer pressured by others anymore to behave differently. As long as I am not in a bad mood, I should be able to stay calm.
ā€“unfortunately being calm is not enough for this game. I also have to observe and interact with other as well in order to make progress.

Speaking of which, what happened to Leafia? From what I see, itā€™s almost as if Atlas chugged down all the heat from D1 by being himself.

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sadly that did not help advance my teleportation research