Serpent and the Swordsman (BotF) — Signups [15/15]

i’m not gonna comment on more because thats for them to solve
but i’d like to out, yes.
goodluck hosting

is it really difficult to swap the spy with something else?

i wrote the script fwiw so it is for me to solve

was referring to minion interactions

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yeah, because theres not much thats actually good for the script

boom/cere/fearmonger/harpy/og/psycho/viz are all bad with minstrel
baron/goblin/witch/mez/poisoner isnt what i want for the script
da is useless
twin/sw are bad with mastermind
widow is kicking the can down the road

its basically just godfather or nothing


and i frankly think that godfather is usually just not very fun to play

i wish we had another minion that wasnt sucky
spy goes off as soon as we get it, its just that every other minion kinda just sucks here

there is a homebrew minion id be willing to add but its homebrew and i dont know how much ppl would be okay with that, as well as changing the script

i can poll it, not for your sake, but because i dont like spy either

Huli Jing (Minion): You start knowing 5 out-of-play characters. Each night, choose 1 of them: until dusk, gain its ability & you might register as it would.

(credit to icibalus)

  • Replace Spy with Huli Jing
  • Keep the Script as is

0 voters

@Litten @tutuu @Bionic @Jarek @Luka @IcetFeelsPain @Artemis @Silviu200530 @Magnus @May @otterpopd @Hazardwaste

atlas you can vote in it too


can I vote “whatever someone else tells me to vote”


you can vote both if you have no opinion, or vote neither if you have no opinion

what would u prefer I vote if I had to choose 1

I’d be interested in hearing more about why you feel this way, because I’ve heard a lot of other people disagree and slap Godfather onto everything.
I agree with this perspective, because to me while its N1 information is a fun novelty and the Outsider count can fulfil Outsider modification, the -1 only helps when bluffing Outsiders is helpful (which only really applies to PD / PM), and the +1 when looking for Outsiders is worthwhile (PD and Mutant if you squint really hard), while most of the rest just sorta exist.

Although the kill does play well with Mutant / Tinker / PD a lot as it turns out, so w/e.

i do geniuely think the script is better without spy, though

i agree with you frankly, so don’t be sorry

I mean you get rewarded for hunting the outsiders and if you learn there’s less than usual you can give the demon an ironclad bluff (or more commonly take it yourself)

Extra fun if it’s an outsider you might actually care about - like Hatter/Barber/Politician/Goon

Oh was i 13th??

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I thought i counted 11

Yes. I’m all for integrating more Bootlegger Anthology characters here.

No theres 12 on the list snowe

every time ive pulled the godfather token i felt like ive had very little agency about the game
i cant push outsiders because other people will be suspicious of me for being the godfather in particular
i cant make plans surrounding when im gonna kill because i often dont know
its like assassin but less fun